
Esri Federal GIS Conference: How does ArcGIS Apply to Your Agency?

Esri’s upcoming Federal GIS Conference is sure to be an awesome couple of days. Attendees are going to learn a ton about incredible GIS technology and what it will do for the federal government. You may think that ArcGIS is really cool, but wonder how it applies to your agency and your job. Be sureRead… Read more »

Being @ the #SOTU #WHTweetUp

Summary. Last night I had the distinct honor and privilege to participate in the White House State of the Union TweetUp. I arrived in my capacity as a private citizen and student from American University (AU). Earlier in the day, as a fellow invited Tweep (i.e., a fun moniker for those of us who microRead… Read more »

Senior VTC Engineer – Washington, DC

Presidio Networked Solutions is the leading provider of professional and managed services for advanced IT solutions. Our services and solutions enable our clients to maximize their return on investment in data center/virtualization, collaboration, security, mobility and networking technology. More than 1,800 Presidio IT professionals serve over 5,000 clients in all 50 U.S. states, Europe andRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Gingrich not a Lobbyist? Time to Change the Definition

Bill Clinton famously tried to claim he hadn’t lied about his relationship Monica Lewinsky by saying, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” Newt Gingrich similarly contorts the English language by claiming “I was never a lobbyist.” Perhaps Gingrich’s claim depends on what the meaning of the word “lobbyist” is. IfRead… Read more »

Are You Making These Mistakes With Government Contracts?

Government contracts are a lucrative asset if utilized properly, of the already existent contractors that hold contracts a small portion fulfill their task orders to its full term due to small mistakes. Staying abreast of your contracts activities can help you avoid making these mistakes: Non-performance– Do not bid on a task if you areRead… Read more »

LaHood: More transit apps needed

If you’ve ever had to wait for a bus during a cold, wet drizzle, you know how powerful a working, accurate transit app can be. Commuters across the country currently have access to various applications on their mobile devices that are shortening rides and improving their workdays, but more could be done. Department of TransportationRead… Read more »