
Governors push for changes to first responder broadband network bill

Congress may be moving forward on the public safety broadband network, but some Governors say that there isn’t enough involvement from state officials – the primary users of the proposed network. Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) and Wyoming Gov. Matthew Mead (R), co-chairmen of the homeland security committee of the National Governors Association (NGA), haveRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Looking to Obama's State of the Union

Tonight, President Obama will deliver his fourth State of the Union address, and we’ll be watching to see how his reform and transparency ambitions fit within this most public description of the President’s priorities. In an election year when an anti-Washington campaign theme will still be required, Obama may continue to cast his transparency workRead… Read more »

The Long Boom: Six Ways Gov 2.0 Is Still Going Gangbusters

Federal Computer Week published some solid reporting under a terrifically misleading headline this week. Reporter Alice Lipowicz deftly wove together information from a number of sources (full disclosure: I am quoted in her article) to tell the narrative of how Gov 2.0 is shifting from a phase during which agencies and offices are establishing newRead… Read more »

My 20 GovCamp 2012 thoughts

I had an exhausting time at GovCamp this weekend. We had lots of people. There were lots of discussions. There was much tweeting. Many photos were taken. Lots of blogging has happened. Dan Slee had the fab idea of just posting 20 quick thoughts and take-aways. So let’s have a (somewhat delayed) go. I don’tRead… Read more »

NC0C’s Call for Civic Health Partners

The National Conference on Citizenship’s civic health initiatives are, according to their mission, “efforts to explore America’s civic life and motivate citizens, leaders, and policymakers to strengthen it. Through analysis and initiatives, we call attention to what we learn, make it applicable to our action planning, and help take an evidence-based approach to helping ourRead… Read more »

Why do we mistrust the media?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I conversed with a reporter for well-known national news organization. The subject was media coverage of government (or at least my portion of it). The conversation was fun and honest but I asked if we within government were better at transparency and openness compared to past years. I expected a rather gratuitous answer ofRead… Read more »

HRSDC’s Web 2.0 Symposium – Thoughts and Insights

Social Connect via: On Friday January 20, something amazing happened. Public servants, mainly from HRSDC, but also from several other departments met to discuss everything Web 2.0. The agenda was packed, the content insightful but most importantly, I had a chance to meet public servants who share a passion for technology similar to my own.Read… Read more »