
Come to the DC Hadoop Users Group meeting 25 Jan!!

Hear from Doug Cutting and Todd Lipcon unique Hadoop technical capabilities Join the local DC community at a Hadoop Users Group meeting on Wed, Jan 25th from 6-9pm at The National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, 13th floor, Washington, DC. The event will feature Doug Cutting and Todd Lipcon each discussing a variety ofRead… Read more »

Circle Intellitics on Google+

A couple of months ago, we set up our Intellitics company page on Google+, a new social networking thingy from Google. It’s still early days for this service, but more people and organizations are joining every day so things are bound to get more interesting over time. If you’re already using Google+, feel free toRead… Read more »

State of Indiana Shows Remarkable Growth With Digital Communications Outreach

In terms of digital engagement, the State of Indiana’s efforts to connect with its citizens has paid huge dividends. The state’s website,, is currently connecting with more than 1.2 million subscribers through various alerts and updates. Amazingly, there are 1600 different subscription topics, allowing users to get information and updates from 82 different stateRead… Read more »

If You Want a Culture of Collaboration, You Need to Accept the LOLCats Too

“Even with the sacred printing press, we got erotic novels 150 years before we got scientific journals.” – Clay Shirky at TED Cannes in June 2010 This is one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite people in the business, Clay Shirky. I particularly like it because it illustrates the period many organizationsRead… Read more »

12 Hopes for 2012: Enhanced Adoption of Digital Technologies

As the Digital Era progresses, technological capabilities continue to outstrip our willingness and ability to address the opportunities and challenges they present. In this post I offer 12 hopes for 2012 that are rooted in the psychological challenges we face and are built on our willingness – both individually and collectively – to tackle themRead… Read more »

Government success with social media

By Jennifer Kaplan, GovDelivery This blog post is a response to a recent article in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Star Tribune on social media in government. It was a great article, but I felt compelled to respond! ************ I work for a company that does digital communication management (email/text/rss/social media) exclusively for the public sector. It’sRead… Read more »

Nuvo Quo

Change. It’s unsettling and exciting. It’s evolutionary and inevitable. It’s widely initiated and frequently resisted. Alvin Toffler, in his 1970 book Future Shock, says we can only take so much change before we hit overload and shut down mentally to additional change – like a sponge reaching its saturation point. The pace of change hasRead… Read more »