
From the Apache Software Foundation Blog: The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Hadoop™ v1.0

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is an all-volunteer group of developers, stewards and incubators of technology. They bring us many of the technologies powering our enterprises and consumer solutions and are continuing to innovate in ways that are absolutely amazing and enjoyable to try to track. One of the greatest projects at the ASF isRead… Read more »

U.S. Bankrupcy Court Uses Online Chat

Pretty cool to see the #1 county in the nation (U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Nevada) for bankrupcy filing using online chats as a way to coordinate with their constitutents. I’m a big fan of this approach. Do others like it? Favorite

Nothing about Iowa, only today’s political law links

ROEMER SEEKS PUBLIC FUNDS. News here. “The Federal Election Commission has only received one request for primary season matching funds, so far. It is from Buddy Roemer, who is simultaneously seeking the Republican nomination and the Americans Elect nomination.” OBAMA AMENDING. Politico. “It adjusted downward its contribution and cash-on-hand figures by a few thousand dollars,Read… Read more »

I Can’t Make You Learn a Thing! Let the Machines Do It!

Really! What you learn is really up to you. But it is up to us to give you the best means to do that. There are methods and modalities. By methods, I mean approaches to training; by modalities, I mean training tools by which we deliver the training. Can we use multiple modalities for trainingRead… Read more »

My Gov20 New Year’s Resolutions: Generate, Discriminate, Donate

I’m a sunrise kind of person. A morning person. An Aries. I’m an INTP: every day, for me, is a new construction site, and yesterday’s blueprints are, at best, guidelines for today’s crew. That’s why I love New Years’ celebrations, and why I always try to make attainable, ambitious resolutions. With regards to work, andRead… Read more »