
Applying Apple’s Marketing Philosophy To Government

Mike Markkula was employee number 3 at Apple and had a great deal of influence over the success of Apple. The marketing philosophy of Apple has always been very customer focused. Government can and should learn from Apple’s marketing approach. Empathy – Government must do a better job of understanding the needs of the citizensRead… Read more »

Cleveland considering radio system partnership

Deltek Analyst Joanna Salini reports. The city of Cleveland and the Ohio Southwest Regional Communications Network (SWRCN) are considering a radio communications partnership. Cleveland had budgeted more than $30 million for the build out of a new radio system that was awarded to Motorola earlier this year, and as part of this costly endeavor, theRead… Read more »

Don’t Outsource Social Media to Interns

I’m old enough to remember the early days of the web. Back then (not too long ago, the 1990s), organizations didn’t take this online medium seriously. The web site paled in importance to the newsletter or magazine, at least according the leaders of the time. After all, who reads things on a computer? The InternetRead… Read more »

How Do You Measure Social Media Success?

Here’s a question for all you social media specialists: How do you measure your success? When are you certain you’ve “gotten your word out”? That people are actually listening? What is the goal of social media (other than AWARENESS) is there a more substantiated way to measure your success?

Top 5 Member Blogs of 2011

Top Member Blogs The internet is a weird place and getting eyes to your content is hard. Of course there are tricks like SEO (search engine optimization), catchy headlines, and in the case of GovLoop getting in the carousel or newsletter. But more so than anything else the thing that drives eyes to content isRead… Read more »

My digital heroes of 2012 – no to #pandagate

#pandagate. Sounds ridiculous really. 12 faces of 2011 – the women the title blazed in H1. Bottom right of the photo montage, a panda. Not, by any stretch of the imagination, a woman. Might not have been an issue had it not followed on the heels of the Sports Personality being completely gender blind. TimingRead… Read more »

Don’t Worry; Trust the Government – Why Citizen Engagement is Difficult

It’s a rather obvious observation that the modern world is complex and confusing. There is a lot that have major influences on our lives but we don’t know much about. Things like climate change, global poverty, Mideast peace, etc. When we feel ignorant about a subject that affects us personally, we do research to learnRead… Read more »