
Is Your Internet Connection Slowing You Down?

I don’t know about you, but there is nothing worse than needing to complete a project for work, but being delayed by the internet! How has a Slow Internet Connection Ever Reduced Your Productivity? CenturyLink Government is quickly improving the connectivity of government, and recently announced that a five-year task order will be fully implementedRead… Read more »

NAGC – Call for Entries’ Final Deadline: Jan. 20, 2012

Be recognized! Enter your best work in the National Association of Government Communicator’s 2011 Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards Competition. This annual international awards program recognizes superior government communication products and those who produce them. Download the Call for Entries Final Deadline: January 20, 2012 10 Tips for Submitting a Winning Entry 2011 WinnersRead… Read more »

The Do’s and Dont’s of Subcontracting Agreements

Partnering in the federal government can be done in different ways. Since we have briefly touched on Contractor Teaming Agreements, or CTA’s in past posts I want to talk about subcontractor agreements. Normally vendors with little to none government experience obtain sub agreements. A sub agreement is also a great way for contractors who doRead… Read more »

Some groups are internet savvy

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Alternative title: The religious like the internet and see it as valuable to their efforts. The Pew Internet and American Life Project recently created a statistical overview of the internet use of those religiously active (see below). Those of us doing social media have always known that there are groups that interact well onRead… Read more »

6 Ways To Build Public Trust In Government

On a regular basis polling shows the American public has very little trust/faith in the ability of government. G. Edward DeSeve has a great post on expressing his thoughts on six factors that are important for the public to regain trust in government. Excerpts from his post are below: Honesty: Ethical behavior is oftenRead… Read more »

Tech of #OccupyWallStreet

A social movement with a hashtag in its name is obviously heavily reliant on technology. Here are a few technologies and approaches that Occupy Wall Street used to expand rapidly. Mesh networks: localized Internets, set up for rapid and secure internal communication. The People’s Skype, a distributed voice and voting system that enables the peculiarRead… Read more »