
GovLaunch – the new

Today was the beta launch of Couple interesting items from their blog post announcing the release: that caught my interest The ability to customize an online experience is pretty unique for government: “MyFCC is a new tool designed to let you create a customized FCC online experience for quick access to the tools andRead… Read more »

Why Governments Have Failed at Crowdsourcing

Two Words: User Acquisition Local, state and national Governments have yet to fully take advantage of the many platforms available for crowd sourcing policy primarily because they have failed to court a significant enough user base to generate a genuine and sustained online community. Without a diverse enough, self-regulating community of users who are continuallyRead… Read more »

LVI 2012: Law via the Internet Conference

LIV 2012: The Law via the Internet Conference — the international conference of the legal information institutes and the free-access-to-law community — will be held October 7-9, 2012 at Cornell Law School in Ithaca, New York. The submission deadline for proposals is 15 March 2012. Here is the preliminary conference announcement, from Tom Bruce, DirectorRead… Read more »


Vienna, Virginia-December 20th, 2011– MicroLink, a HP, Autonomy Company and an award-winning partner of Microsoft, announces the addition of its Government Records Assessment & Strategic Planning (GRASP) offering to its Information Governance services. GRASP was developed by MicroLink as a response to President Obama’s records management initiative for all federal agencies in 120 days toRead… Read more »

Why senior managers need to lead online

I wrote a thing for the Guardian’s Public Leaders’ Network: The explosion in online innovation throughout public services is seeing more and more activity taking place on the net, whether via interactive websites, or mobile applications. Networks such as Twitter and Facebook provide opportunities for knowledge sharing and problem solving on a scale unimaginable previouslyRead… Read more »

The Whine Connoisseur

You know them – always the glass half empty outlook…complaining about the brightness when the sun breaks through the dismal gray February days. They derail conversations and meetings. When making a contribution, it comes with negative overtones and is diluted by the complaint of the day. They are disruptive to creative sessions and are toxicRead… Read more »

The year of living helpfully” src=”×396.png” alt=”Me at govcamp (Photo: Paul Clarke –” width=”550″ height=”396″ /> It’s been 18 months since I last walked the mean streets of Westminster as a civil servant. There are things I miss about the old lifestyle: having the scope to run with projects on the ‘inside’, being in the loop on theRead… Read more »

Online Reputation Management, Personal Branding, Digital Footprints and SMM

Once in a while I like to analyze various search trends taking place in my industry. I do this primarily to see which terms are sticking and to gauge demand for specific business offerings. I first predicted a drastic rise in interest for “social media monitoring” information 4 years ago. Search for the term hasRead… Read more »