
Is Twitter Dying?

I’ve noticed a lot of “spam” followers on Twitter for the last few weeks, whereas I’ve never had any before. While I don’t get any direct negative effect from it, it makes me wonder if this is a symptom of Twitter being on the way out as one of the social media platforms to use.

Social Networking in Government Agencies: Pipedream or Imminent Reality?

How your organization can adopt social media tools internally to drive results and become a social business. Wading into Social Media The terms “enterprise social networking” or “social media” often conjure up images of hip, savvy startups. But many of you are on the forefront of using applications like GovLoop to share best practices andRead… Read more »

Defining & Communicating Expectations: A Critical Component of a Healthy Workplace

I believe the number one cause of conflict in both the workplace and your personal life is unfulfilled expectations. The number one reason for expectations going unfulfilled is – you guessed it – nobody knows what they are. We are diligent in ensuring that a high level of detail, complete with key performance indicators, areRead… Read more »

How do people get information about their community?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I listen to a lot of tech-related podcasts on my daily commute via train every day. If one listens to the pundits the social world is the near future and traditional methods of communication will be permanently left behind. The observations are limited but understandable considering the well-documented decline in traditional media use. There’sRead… Read more »

RWJF Joins SXSW Accelerator Panel

Remember back in October when Chris Hall introduced the SXSW Health Accelerator program for next year’s conference? I’m really looking forward to seeing what start-ups get to showcase their stuff. I’m even more excited about the increase in health focused innovations occurring at the biggest conference that I’ve ever attended. Last year was the debutRead… Read more »

Is there a need for public service reform?

Some would say the answer is obvious. But it’s always worth remembering that processes seemingly designed to frustrate the customer are not limited by sector or organisation. Here’s a tale of convoluted customer service with rather a surprising punchline. Though here is another, more seasonal, story which shows another approach altogether. Original post

TSP Talk – Bullish Seasonality Starts

Stocks lost ground last week and it has been interesting to see how the days played out. We saw mostly good economic reports that sent stocks higher in the early trading, yet by the close investors were selling. As we’ll discuss below, historical seasonality was bearish last week, but this week things start to change.Read… Read more »

Google Plus for Business – Why Be An Early Adopter?

In November Google released Plus Pages for Business – it is similar to your personal Google Plus Page, but with features to create your electronic business personality. Whoa! – you say you work for a large organization or an agency and can’t put up a page for your day job…the Plus Business Pages works wellRead… Read more »

VanRoekel Address Federal IT Community

This morning I had the pleasure of listening to Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel at the Ronald Reagan Building. The event was hosted by ACT-IAC (American Councils for Technology – Industry Advisory Council). VanRoekel gave a fascinating presentation highlighting the challenges of Federal IT reform. The presentation was titled, Our Moment – the information from theRead… Read more »