
IBM Center Round Up, December 12 – 16

Okay, so we weren’t going to publish a Round Up this week since several of us are on vacation, but here are three stories I didn’t want to sit on since they are long and you might want to read them during leisure moments during your holiday vacation! This is a detail-rich case study ofRead… Read more »

Is Creativity The Number 1 Leadership Skill Needed Today?

A study by IBM of 1,500 Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) from different size organizations, 60 countries and 33 industries determined creativity to be the number 1 leadership skill needed by CEOs managing companies today. As one CEO stated “We need to find, recognize and reward creativity.” The seeds of creativity must be spread throughout anRead… Read more »

The first step to thinking outside the box, is stepping outside it

I don’t care how specialized your organization’s mandate is, there will always be more information and knowledge outside your organization than within it. So here’s a question, why are organizations spending money on the dividing line between the two? Why are organizations effectively cutting off employees from the resources they need to accomplish their missionRead… Read more »

The Elders of the Internet Have A Message for the U.S. Congress

The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) was founded in 1990 as a donor funded non-profit with a focus on fighting for internet freedoms. They frequently bring those fights to the courts by bringing lawsuits against large corporations and the government. They also work to provide information to inform legislators and the public at large. The EFFRead… Read more »

Should the Public Sector have it’s own “M” model?

CRM, BPM, KM, ECM. These are the abbreviations of new electronic management or “M” models that have emerged with the growth of the Internet. They relate to the management of traditional business practices ranging from customer relations to knowledge to business assets that are now enabled electronically through the Web and complimentary devices. Their useRead… Read more »

Upcoming: Digital Health Communications Extravaganza!

What do you get when you combine experts/thought leaders in the innovative spaces of health communications, a generous helping of research/public health practitioners and a sunny Florida? Why, you get the Digital Health Communications Extravaganza of course! Put together by my friend and colleague Jay Bernhardt (who I’ve interviewed before at a conference he putRead… Read more »

Roundtable Promises Meaningful (Online) Conversations

Reading Clay Johnson’s response to the White House’s request for input, I came across Roundtable, a new take on building an online environment for “meaningful conversations” currently under development. From their blog: At Roundtable we’re all about empowering meaningful conversations – between thought leaders, between friends, and between curated communities of strangers. There is littleRead… Read more »

16 Communication Tips to Live By

(Image source) Want to rise up? Have a healthy, long, fulfilling career? Be a good communicator. All the brains, money, and effort isn’t enough if you can’t represent yourself well over your life. I just read this wonderful article on the Top 10 Best and Worst Communicators of 2011 and from it distilled 16 communicationRead… Read more »