
How not to win followers & influence people

Call it round 2. Call it an explosion of sheer frustration. Call it what you want. Here’s my top 10 things which are irritating the hell out of me this week on social media and Twitter specifically. If you do these things, you’ll probably get away with one or two. Do all of them, andRead… Read more »

Mission Essential Personnel Announces New Credit Facility With Bank Of America

12/5/2011 Chantilly, VA – Mission Essential Personnel, LLC (MEP) announced today it has established a new multi-million credit facility with Bank of America that will provide MEP with additional operating liquidity and capital for strategic acquisitions and investments. MEP Chief Financial Officer Michael Jakobowski said, “The establishment of this facility will support MEP’s global operationsRead… Read more »

What About Employee Engagement?

In the current state of budgets cuts and increasing demands for high-quality services, productivity has become a crucial element of organizational success. How will agencies meet the demands of the current fiscal environment while sustaining the level of performance necessary to enable mission effectiveness? We’ve heard about citizen engagement and how effective it can beRead… Read more »

Big Data is All the Rage. Why?

On Monday, December 5, Bob Gourley went on the Enterprise CIO Forum to explain Big Data and why it matters. First, he defined Big Data simply as the data your organization cannot currently analyze. Though some technologists give more precise definitions, this sums up the challenge enterprises now face. If you can deal with allRead… Read more »

Planning for Stronger Local Democracy

A new guide can help citizens and local leaders decide how to make their communities more engaging, inclusive, participatory, and powerful. Planning for Stronger Local Democracy is built around two lists: the questions to ask about your community in order to take stock of local democracy; and the building blocks you might consider as partRead… Read more »

Going Postal – The Economic Impact of Resisting Change

Even when the inevitable stares us in the face, our natural inclination is to want things to stay the same. It is safe. We understand the rules and in the routine we find security. Nothing conjures up a sense of stability, reliability, and community more than the US Postal Service. And nothing is more inRead… Read more »