
Two Communicational Tools Providing Perspective, Patience and Presence: Message and Mantra for Transforming Reaction into Response

Increasingly, research is showing a direct correlation between employee productivity, business profitability, and the degree to which employees feel their employers are concerned about their personal and professional welfare. (See The 2010 AMA Handbook of Leadership.) For example, in the groundbreaking work, First Break All the Rules: What the Greatest Managers Do Differently (Marcus BuckinghamRead… Read more »

Dress to Impress!

Happy Friday everyone! It’s time for another GEICO Friday fun video! I always say that when you look your best, you do your best. But what about when you are a handsome green gecko? Hmm, this makes me wonder. Where in the world can you buy a gecko-sized suit? ————————————– GEICO was created in 1936Read… Read more »

Reallocation of D-block, NG911 funding, and a national interoperable public safety network

Deltek Analyst Evan Halperin reports. House Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-Ore.) sponsored the Jumpstarting Opportunity with Broadband Spectrum (JOBS) Act of 2011. On December 1, the communications subcommittee majority voted to move the bill forward. The important aspects of the bill are the reallocation of the D-Block to public safety agencies fromRead… Read more »

Emergency 2.0 Wiki is Now LIVE!!

Today is a big day for social media and emergency management: The Emergency 2.0 Wiki is now live! For those already in the know about #SMEM and its rather large following this is great news. For those of you that have no idea what ‘m talking about, let me fill you in: #SMEM is theRead… Read more »

How is best to communicate with residents through snowy conditions?

Hello from across the pond, It’s now December and icy roads, closed schools and uncollected bins tend to dominate local government over the coming months. Residents rush to council websites seeking to report problems and find information. Increasingly, there is an expectation for this data to be real time. So what should councils be doing?Read… Read more »

Getting Paid to Browse Facebook? Not Exactly…

The next time your blood boils when you see employees browsing Facebook on the job or scrambling to purchase hockey tickets on Craigslist…relax. You’ll never believe what a recent article in stated: According to the Department of Management and Marketing at the University of Melbourne: “Workers who engage in workplace Internet leisure browsing areRead… Read more »