
Is Black Friday Really Just “Occupy Wal-Mart?”

Tweet This commercial creeps me out in ways I can’t even begin to describe. I just don’t get Black Friday. I’ve tried to understand but it’s just not happening. Somehow the wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving, designed for us to spend time with family and friends and simply relax, has been unceremoniously cut short because peopleRead… Read more »

GovLaunch: Announcing the Federal Social Media Index

Today Expert Labs released their Federal Social Media Index (FSMI). According to the FSMI website, “We rank which federal agencies are doing the best job of engaging on social media through Twitter (and soon, through Facebook and Google+).” Expert Labs says they are constantly looking for ways to improve their methodology and improve how FSMIRead… Read more »

Mission, Tool, Metrics, Teach: Now a Workshop!

First, my social media mantra was something I said and tweeted: mission, tool, metrics, teach. Then it was a blog post. Now I’ve created a workshop that I delivered recently at a conference. It combines several other presentations and things I’ve said and written over the past few years. At the conference, people sat 4-5Read… Read more »

Carrier IQ Invades Privacy

Android has been plagued by malware, security vulnerabilities, and now, privacy issues. It started with HTC’s logging application which over-zealously logged aspects of phone use in insecure ways which made that data accessible by any application, and more recently has come to a head with the discovery of the carrier IQ application. The Carrier IQRead… Read more »

Motivation Inspiration

By Robyn Bage Managers and executives often ponder new ways to motivate employees to be more engaged in the workplace or more productive. I, too, have struggled to be creative and effective in motivating my staff. This is particularly difficult in our age diverse, multi-cultural, dual-gendered, and otherwise multi-faceted work environment. Of course, the triedRead… Read more »

World AIDS Day 2011

Today marks the beginning of the last month of the year, but it also is a reminder for us about the importance of bringing HIV/AIDS to an end. Today is World AIDS Day. A time for education and action regarding the disease that still is affecting many worldwide. Phil Wilson, CEO of the Black AIDSRead… Read more »

In a rapidly changing world, seconds count. You can’t miss this conversation.

It used to take years for revolutions to organize. The American Revolution took seven years; the Greek Revolution took eight years, and the French Revolution took ten years. Today, revolutions take only a few days. Consider the 82 day Orange Revolution; the 28 day Tunisian Revolution; and the 18 day Egyptian Revolution. In early November,Read… Read more »

Thoughts on this week’s Presidential Memorandum on Records Management

The White House on Records Management: ‘We Can’t Wait’ “Records management can’t wait,” President Barack Obama told the federal government agencies yesterday, via presidential memorandum. It’s likely the federal government could learn a lot from state and local government agencies who have already embraced records management. Maybe you can, too. The president hopes to transformRead… Read more »

Learning is lovely: 12 days of Learning Pool gifts

Starting today, Thursday 1st December until Friday 16th December, we will be giving at least one gift a day away to members of the Learning Pool community as part of our annual 12 days of Christmas festivities. We’re celebrating how lovely learning can be and giving away a range of free resources to help youRead… Read more »