
Training and Teaching Public Speaking with A Difference

It’s Black Friday, the most commercial day of the Christmas season. You need training to go out there; you need training in crowd control, in handling anxious, obnoxious customers, in good customer service. No dynamic sales training may be required except to direct customers away from the door “prizes” they came for. –Ironically, this occursRead… Read more »

It’s crude but still very interesting

I was asked a very interesting question earlier today – A colleague asked me how many twitter accounts there are in Devon? To which my reply was (slightly paraphrased): “Hmmmm, I’m not sure to be honest…however we could provide a crude figure for the number of facebook users or potential reach using the advertising feature….weRead… Read more »

The Canadian Government’s New Web 2.0 Guidelines: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Yesterday, the government of Canada released its new Guidelines for external use of Web 2.0. For the 99.99% of you unfamiliar with what this is, it’s the guidelines (rules) that govern how, and when, public servants may use web 2.0 tools such as twitter and facebook. You, of course, likely work in organization that survivesRead… Read more »

Guideline for External Use of Web 2.0 in the Government of Canada

After years of hearing ”it’ll be released next week” promises, I finally got to witness the official announcement this morning from Minister Tony Clement: The Treasury Board Secretariat’s Guideline for External Use of Web 2.0 is now public. Here is an excerpt from Tony’s speech: “Web 2.0 tools provide additional means of interactive communications betweenRead… Read more »

The Facebook Phenomenon

Part three in our David Kirkpatrick video series! Did you catch our first and second videos? David Kirkpatrick sits down with GovDelivery to discuss the Facebook Phenomenon and why Facebook now dominates social networking. He also shares his thoughts on how government can leverage the power of Facebook to help improve citizen satisfaction. Watch theRead… Read more »

Pause – be Strategic

Notes from 5 minute talk at PS Engage Before the tool….stop chill out and think -Who you are communicating with (target audience – be specific) -Why are you communicating with them? (what outocme do you want or why bother) -One or 2-way communication? (Tell them stuff or hear what they want) -How do you getRead… Read more »

Vision for health insurance exchange design gets a little clearer

Deltek Analyst Amanda White reports. The inaugural Health Insurance Exchange Congress conference, hosted by the Institute for International Research (IIR) USA on November 9-11, 2011 offered considerable insight on the roles and functionality insurance exchange systems should provide to consumers. Anita Murcko, MD, and partner with Cambiare, LLC, identified three fundamental components of exchanges: aRead… Read more »