
How social media has changed government-to-citizen interaction

This is part two in our David Kirkpatrick video series. Did you catch yesterday’s post? David Kirkpatrick, author of “The Facebook Effect,” sat down with us after our social media conference to discuss how Facebook and social media has changed the way government interacts with citizens. He also delves into the question that many governmentRead… Read more »

Government Contracts- 5 Benefits of Having One

Currently over 5 million contractors have obtained government contracts ending Fiscal Year 2011. A government contract is not made for every company but if you build a realistic view of managing your contract there may be a great benefit. Here are five benefits of having a government contract: Stability– Maintaining compliance with the terms andRead… Read more »

Is Government Enabling Online Addiction?

If not, they should be! Almost everyday I see a different GovLoop member stressing the importance of online engagement in government as a tool for better customer service. As governments seek to serve citizens with more information online, are they contributing to our information overdose…or providing a quick hit that helps us more immediately? TakeRead… Read more »

Are These Data?

A few years ago, I answered the phone. I’ve since learned my lesson and silenced the landline. When someone leaves a message there now, the tiny blue light flickers forlornly until I log on to the interwebs to listen and laugh at the voice mail. For those particularly entertaining, I forward to my wife’s emailRead… Read more »

Friday’s political law links

WILEY REIN NEWSLETTER. The November 2011 Wiley Rein Election Law Newsletter is online here. TRIAL DATE FOR EDWARDS. Story here. “U.S. District Court Judge Catherine Eagles, sitting in Greensboro, N.C., scheduled jury selection to begin Jan. 30 and first evidence in the case to be presented Feb. 13, Politico reported Wednesday.” HOUSE ETHICS MOVES ONRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: November 18, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Location, location, location. A lot of people moving to GovLoop–more than 50K at last count! One of those people, Lovisa Williams, asked how GovLoopers (especially federal government employees) were using Google+. Ines Mergle, writing at Gov in the Lab, shared an infographic that helps answer that question. Beyond “Go Slow to Go Fast.”Read… Read more »

The future of social media

In October, GovDelivery hosted a social media conference in Washington, D.C. with nearly 300 attendees, from local government workers to Federal employees and government contractors. At the heart of the event was a Facebook foundation: David Kirkpatrick, author of “The Facebook Effect,” delivered an engaging keynote presentation, and Adam Conner, Associate Manager of Public PolicyRead… Read more »

Segmenting Audiences for Social Media Engagement

To maximize an organization’s effectiveness in terms of marketing goal attainment, an overall audience (or “market” in the private sector) should always be segmented into groups of clients with common attributes (segments) and then prioritized accordingly (target audience). Unfortunately, for most government organizations, a comprehensive market segmentation study is rarely a top priority. As aRead… Read more »