
How Do We Get There: Is Your Organization’s Strategy Working for You?

In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, organizations are often forced to remain competitive by adapting a culture of rapid change (I’ll offer up ideas on how to successfully accomplish that in a future publication). However, updating and communicating the organizations’ strategy to reflect these changes frequently doesn’t occur. A solid strategy is the cement andRead… Read more »

A Pat on the Back Please! Are Your Employees Recognized for Their Performance?

Many companies talk a good game when it comes to employee engagement and recognition, though few have mastered it. Some organizations are close, some still trying, and many are nowhere near success. So you may be thinking, why should I care if my employees are recognized for their performance? Because if they aren’t recognized, thenRead… Read more »

Please Stop Talking About Global Warming

Question: why don’t people talk more about climate change? It seems to me like something that should be a constant topic of conversation these days, especially given that 2010 was the biggest year ever for global CO2 output, exceeding the worst scenarios scientists had concocted. Yet whenever I bring it up – on Twitter, withRead… Read more »

Motion Imagery Strategies in Broadcast: A key event for enterprise technologists

On December 1, 2011 between 8am and 5pm the National Association of Broadcasters will hold an event focusing on motion imagery lessons learned from the broadcasting community. The event will be a great opportunity to learn more about collection, analysis, reporting, production and dissemination of complex news and sports events. These are topics of interestRead… Read more »

Policy Informatics Book Chapter: Knowledge Incubation in the Public Sector – Ines Mergel

Policy Informatics Book Chapter: Knowledge Incubation in the Public Sector – Ines Mergel. I am participating in book project that is featured over on the “Policy Informatics” blog. Here is the abstract for my chapter to be published in 2012: The use of social media applications has become acceptable practice and is adopted by manyRead… Read more »

StumbleUpon: More Compelling Statistics

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a blog entry about StumbleUpon – what it is (social bookmarking tool), what it does (drives website traffic), and why you should probably know about it (the tool doubled its user base to 20 million in less than two years). StumbleUpon recently worked with a data visualization/visual contentRead… Read more »

The Business Of Collaboration

[Cross-posted from Communities and Collaboration blog] Some Background The last few years can be described as the age of social business and collaboration. The demands and expectations of today’s knowledge workers have been shaped by the plethora of social networks and social media tools. Communicating and sharing information has never been easier. Staying connected withRead… Read more »

4 Small Business Set Asides That Should Interest You

Small businesses in the federal government have procurements specifically set-aside for contract award. For a procurement to be set aside the Contracting Officer needs to have an expectation that at least two responsible small businesses will respond with an offer and the prices quoted are reasonable. According to size standards set forth in the SmallRead… Read more »

Summary of Research Regarding Teens Online—The Future of Social

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Summary of Research Regarding Teens Online—The Future of Social The best research on the online world of teens comes from Pew and the experience, while cautionary as to bullying, is not as bad as others have made it out to be. Fifteen percent report online “meanness.” The report shows parents actively involved in theRead… Read more »