
“Menial” jobs

On a coffee run with a co-worker this morning, the subject of past jobs came up. We were going back and forth about jobs we had as teenagers and undergrads. She used to work as a barista at a coffee shop on the West Coast, and I had just about every serving job there wasRead… Read more »

Google launches Google+ guide for politics and government

View original post. Hot on the heels of launching Google+ Pages on November 7, Google has released a “how-to” guide for G+ aimed at increasing use of the new social platform by those in politics and government. The “Google+ for Politics” page is part of a series of guides targeting segments like Celebrities, Media, Non-Profits,Read… Read more »

Four Steps: The Evolution of Social Media in Government

Social media in government has experienced an evolution in the past three years, since the administration’s Open Government Directive forced it into the mainstream of every agency’s operations. Each step in this evolution can be summed up by one word and one driving question, and each has had countless articles devoted first to exploring theRead… Read more »

Emergencies and Social Media: A Problem in Need of Solutions

Http://leonardSipes.Com I recently wrote which addressed the potential for hundreds of thousands of social media posts during an emergency. This is not my first article on the subject and I have personally administered the public affairs response to scores of major incidents. Please let me make one thing clear from the beginning; I loveRead… Read more »

How social media has changed government-to-citizen interaction

This is part two in our David Kirkpatrick video series. Did you catch yesterday’s post? David Kirkpatrick, author of “The Facebook Effect,” sat down with us after our social media conference to discuss how Facebook and social media has changed the way government interacts with citizens. He also delves into the question that many governmentRead… Read more »

Government Contracts- 5 Benefits of Having One

Currently over 5 million contractors have obtained government contracts ending Fiscal Year 2011. A government contract is not made for every company but if you build a realistic view of managing your contract there may be a great benefit. Here are five benefits of having a government contract: Stability– Maintaining compliance with the terms andRead… Read more »

Is Government Enabling Online Addiction?

If not, they should be! Almost everyday I see a different GovLoop member stressing the importance of online engagement in government as a tool for better customer service. As governments seek to serve citizens with more information online, are they contributing to our information overdose…or providing a quick hit that helps us more immediately? TakeRead… Read more »

Are These Data?

A few years ago, I answered the phone. I’ve since learned my lesson and silenced the landline. When someone leaves a message there now, the tiny blue light flickers forlornly until I log on to the interwebs to listen and laugh at the voice mail. For those particularly entertaining, I forward to my wife’s emailRead… Read more »