
Ideas of the week

One wonderful idea submitted for Developing Solutions Camp is ‘Feeling Local’. The idea is to aggregate news feeds from social media for a given geographical area and analyse the sentiments to determine whether the prevailing mood for that area is happy or sad. How best to use it The originator of the idea is confidentRead… Read more »

The People I Will (and Won’t) Meet at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference

See you next week in Santa Clara! Next week, I’m attending and speaking at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in Santa Clara. I’ve attended many social media conferences over the years and have posted several times about my experiences at these events.While the vast majority of people I meet at these conferences are highly intelligent, ambitious,Read… Read more »

Google and American Express Team Up for Small Business Saturday!

Many of us serve in Local Government roles and see Public / Private Sector collaboration as essential to promoting and building stronger communities. Here is an opportunity you will want to pass on to your local Chamber of Commerce and/or community development coordinator. Google and American Express have teamed up to create a new VideoRead… Read more »

Your Thoughts on the Penn State Scandal and Response?

This issue has been burning up the newswires this week. From a communications and media relations standpoint (and more importantly, from a moral standpoint), the university has been panned. This author shared her takeaways. What are yours? How would you have handled it? We’ve started a discussion on the NAGC LinkedIn group as well. OriginalRead… Read more »

Using Sources Sought As A Marketing Tool

The government has many ways to perform market research, as described in FAR Part 10. One way is to issue a sources sought. Issuing a notice saves the government valuable time of reviewing sources to fulfill a requirement, it also ensures: Access to the market’s capability Determine acquisition strategy Assist with small business goal attainmentRead… Read more »

Project Management by Henry Ford

Imagine the situation as Henry Ford was planning production of the Model T : over 5,000 parts; multiple manufacturing vendors; skilled to semi-skilled production processes; and growing demand. He addressed part of the production process by determining an optimal assembly sequence and moving the vehicle along to workstations which have the required parts, tools, andRead… Read more »

Just put a zombie in it

Like many communications professionals, social media specialists, online community managers, and every other title/position that’s trying to get the word out about your organization’s services and awesomeness, there are some days where my mind draws a blank for my next blog post. I’ve learned not to fear it as much as I used to whenRead… Read more »

Bittersweet End: GovTwit directory turns three, but forced to shut down

The short story: is dead and I’m looking for ideas on how to get it back up and running. The slightly longer version: I recently sat on a panel hosted by Market Connections, which was releasing their third annual report around the use of social media in government (you can download the overview here),Read… Read more »

Controlled Unclassified Information(CUI): The CUI Registry is out!

On November 4, 2011, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) released the first-ever registry for Controlled Unclassified Information(CUI) for records that are not classified as top secret or secret, but require some protection. The release of this registry meets one of the first targets of President Obama’s Executive Order on Controlled Unclassified Information. AlthoughRead… Read more »