
Bill Bratton and Zach Tumin: The New “Collabonomics” of Disaster Management

Last week’s New England snowmeggadon showed us how far social media has come in making collaboration across the boundaries of government and citizens easy. And it offered stark contrast between those who get it and use it, and those who don’t. Social media and the digital devices that connect us change the collabonomics of disasterRead… Read more »

Recruiting in the Digital Era: Updated Guidance for Employers, Recruiters, and Candidates

This summer I wrote Social Media and Recruiting 101: Overview and Recommendations, which was an extension of some earlier pieces I had written on the topic of “social screening” (see this post, as well as this white paper). In it, I recast the “recruiting funnel” to reflect how social media and other digital activity canRead… Read more »

FCC and FEMA to Test Emergency Alert System Tomorrow

· The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Emergency Management Authority (FEMA) are planning the first Emergency Alert System (EAS) nationwide test, which will take place at 2:00 PM (EST), Wednesday, November 9, 2011. The test will last approximately three (3) minutes. Normal programming will return following the test. · FCC and FEMA areRead… Read more »

Mitigating Risk in the Use of Social Media

Most government employyees and agencies protect their computers by installing and updating reliable anti-virus software. Managers, IT staff and front-line workers understand the threats posed by malicious software, and they know that they have to take steps to counter that threat. But as more agencies take advantage of social media, new risks emerge that mayRead… Read more »

My election campaign: focus on social media

So as you might already know I’ve enrolled for State Duma elections 2012 in Russia and going to represent interests of “Fair Russia” party. This post is about the strategy I’ve put down the election campaign that is mainly based on working with social media marketing that is actively used by different politicians. I’ve decidedRead… Read more »

Blog World, the Future of Social Media and the Average Schmuck

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I returned from the Blog World-New Media conference in Los Angeles last night ( ) and it’s easy to say that it’s the best social media conference I’ve attended (third time for me). Four-thousand participants from over 100 countries filled the room with massive energy and creativity. You can’t go to Blog World withoutRead… Read more »

Target Ideation to Get Your Leadership Excited

Catching the spark of excitement from leadership is the fuel to make any activity go forward. From the largest transformation effort to ensuring that all employees are able to wear comfortable shoes, it all starts with the support of Leadership. For government and large company Ideation efforts, this is especially true. But is top leadershipRead… Read more »

Hadoop World Breakout Sessions 8 and 9 Nov: Recommendations for the enterprise CTO

Hadoop World 2011 is upon us. Once again the community, with the consistent/polite/leading/persistent coordination of Cloudera, has built a great agenda with the right speakers and great attendees for what is now the “must attend” Big Data event. For those who are attending, I can’t wait to see you there. We are going to beRead… Read more »