
Strong Governance Is Infrastructure for Great Customer Service

Federal agencies have posted their Customer Service Plans, to comply with President Obama’s Executive Order, “Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service.” Agencies specifically were to create a signature initiative that improves online service. Many of them are pretty good. Check out all the General Services Administration has on its radar, for example. But whenRead… Read more »

Maximizing Possibilities – CityCamp Experience

From amazing metaphors involving adorable puppies to reflections about how data can transform generalities into actions, I was fortunate to attend the first CityCamp held in Minneapolis, Minnesota on 11/12/2011. This un-conference is designed to be more of an open exchange of ideas than the traditional professional conference that most of us are use toRead… Read more »

And The Winner Is…You!

We participated this week with seven other entrepreneurs in the 2011 Capital Management Technology Hub and George Mason’s School of Management Technology Startup Challenge to introduce our cloud-based community and supporting tools: MyLeadershipPractice. What a top notch event and great learning experience! Plenty of innovative solutions to specific needs were presented. The competition was anRead… Read more »

Social Media During Emergencies. Are You Ready for an Explosion of Bad Information?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com “Connecting America: Building Resilience with Social Media” from the Center for National Policy in Washington, D.C. is an interesting read about the post 9/11 world and the growth of social media. The focus is on emergency response to tragedies. The premise of the 26 pages can be summarized by stating that social media canRead… Read more »

Ideas of the week

One wonderful idea submitted for Developing Solutions Camp is ‘Feeling Local’. The idea is to aggregate news feeds from social media for a given geographical area and analyse the sentiments to determine whether the prevailing mood for that area is happy or sad. How best to use it The originator of the idea is confidentRead… Read more »

The People I Will (and Won’t) Meet at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference

See you next week in Santa Clara! Next week, I’m attending and speaking at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in Santa Clara. I’ve attended many social media conferences over the years and have posted several times about my experiences at these events.While the vast majority of people I meet at these conferences are highly intelligent, ambitious,Read… Read more »

Google and American Express Team Up for Small Business Saturday!

Many of us serve in Local Government roles and see Public / Private Sector collaboration as essential to promoting and building stronger communities. Here is an opportunity you will want to pass on to your local Chamber of Commerce and/or community development coordinator. Google and American Express have teamed up to create a new VideoRead… Read more »

Your Thoughts on the Penn State Scandal and Response?

This issue has been burning up the newswires this week. From a communications and media relations standpoint (and more importantly, from a moral standpoint), the university has been panned. This author shared her takeaways. What are yours? How would you have handled it? We’ve started a discussion on the NAGC LinkedIn group as well. OriginalRead… Read more »