
Is social media really social?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com The debate is whether social media is a conversation or a one way form of communication. I argue that it’s a matter of quality versus quantity. Responding to Comments–Three Cases: I did a presentation on social media before leadership of a federal government agency. There was a point where we discussed the logistics ofRead… Read more »

Agency Customer Service Plans

Back in April, President Obama issued an executive order directing agencies to step up their efforts to improve customer service. Whatever happened? The Executive Order gave agencies until the last week of October to provide their plans to the Office of Management and Budget, and last week the plans were delivered and posted on OMB’sRead… Read more »

10/28/2011 Reseach and Best Practices eNewsletter

ResearchTricks of the social media trade(10/26/2011) – A NewForeSeestudy Social Media Best Practices for the Federal government analyzes the state of social media in the federal government. Tips for boosting social media presence include the use of the Twitter “favorite” feature content and the use of playlists to organize videos on YouTube. The Tablet Revolution(10/25/2011)Read… Read more »

Trends on Tuesday: Mobile Users Engaged and On the Go

New data from comScore shows that not only are people checking their social networks (like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) from their phones, but they are actively engaging. In addition to reading posts, people are using their phones to add their own updates, post links and follow links to other content. Mobile Social Networking Activities 3Read… Read more »

A Community of Practice Is More Than a Website

A community of practice (CoP) is, according to cognitive anthropologists Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, a group of people who share an interest, a craft, and/or a profession. Over the last year or so, the term communities of practice has entered the social media buzzword lexicon along with virtual collaboration, engagement, platforms, and Enterprise 2.0.Read… Read more »

A new Harvard Kennedy School report is up: “From Government 2.0 to Society 2.0: Pathways to Engagement, Collaboration, and Transformation”

From the report, by Zachary Tumin with Archon Fung: “Today, the global recession — coupled with changes such as the retirement of the post-World War II generation, the emergence of millennials, new waves of interactive communications technology, and low-cost collaboration platforms — is sparking a next wave of citizen engagement, reform of government, and theRead… Read more »

What questions do you have about open data, apps contests and sustainability?

*What questions do you have about open data, apps contests and sustainability?* Earlier this year, the Environmental Protection Agency launched a contest to build “green apps” using its data. After months of preparation, development, publicity and engagement, the contest produced 38 apps: Last week, the winners of the contest were announced Tomorrow, I’ll be moderatingRead… Read more »