
Week in review Nov 4th

Very bust week in politics and social media Dept. of Homeland Security looks to monitor social media CIA monitors Facebook, Twitter: Five million tweets a day Facebook surveillance claims first campaign victim In Social Media and Politics, Engagement and Influence Trumps Follower Count How Presidential Candidates should use Social Media… Read more »

Weekly Round-up – November 04, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This past Monday, I led a Webinar for GSA on the basics of government use of Facebook and Twitter. This week, I saw quite a few articles on how and why government agencies are using social media (or how they could use it better) and how to measure their effectiveness with those tools.Read… Read more »

Friday’s political law links and have a great weekend

YESTERDAY’S HOUSE HEARING NEWS. Politico. “The committee members then ordered the FEC to make public a long-undisclosed enforcement manual and penalty procedures or face a congressional subpoena.” The Hill’s report is here. “Among the documents requested from the FEC is the agency enforcement manual, as well as records detailing how the FEC calculates penalties forRead… Read more »

There’s Talk, and There’s Communication

Peter Drucker said ‘60% of all management problems are the result of poor communication.’ Why is this true? Communications break down when losing focus on three areas: clarity of what’s expected accuracy of what’s completed, and timeliness of what’s needed. Clarity of What’s Expected – Projects which do not have clear goals, vision, and missionRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 66

Day 66 Culvert Lining Project It looks like our issue with the culvert lining project has been resolved. We gave the structural drawings from our consultant to the contractor. Theh contractor ended up getting a couple prices from other concrete contractors which were lower than the original subcontractor’s price. So it looks like we willRead… Read more »

How is Your Communications Area Organized?

Jina Gaines of the City of Virginia Beach is doing some research into how government communications departments are structured. Her questions are below. Which communications structure does your organization subscribe to (centralized vs. decentralized)? By centralized I mean there is coordinated messaging from a department of communication/public affairs office and within that department/office there areRead… Read more »

Scrum Tune-up

Guest post by Jim Kinter In my previous post I referenced a conversation with a colleague about a Scrum implementation that hasn’t produced the results he expected. His expectations from the outset seem to be primarily focused on productivity, but motivation and drivers for choosing Scrum is for another day. As I was mulling thisRead… Read more »

Extreme Makeover: IT Department Edition?

How does your IT department look from an outside perspective, maybe even your CIO’s perspective? Check out this insightful post from Centurylink’s own Blake Wetzel. It really asks the big questions that all of us should be exploring! Originally posted in the ThinkGig Blog. We’ve all had those moments: A time when we take aRead… Read more »