
GovLaunch: Facebook and Department of Labor Create Partnership for Job Seekers

Federal Computer Weekly reports that the Department of Labor and Facebook have partnered up to create the Social Jobs Partnership. This is an effort to use social networks to facilitate employment for those currently unemployed. The Facebook page states: In the interest of getting people back to work, the partnership plans to pursue a numberRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Congress Concerned About Facial Recognition Technology

As facial recognition technology has become popular for law enforcement purposes, Congress has become increasingly more concerned about privacy protection surrounding this software. “As in many fast growing and changing sectors, public policy has not kept pace with the development of this sort of technology,” [Senator] Rockefeller wrote in a letter to FTC Chairman JonRead… Read more »

But the “Experts” Say….

Creative Commons via There are many blogs written by “social media experts” and while they provide valuable guidance, they can also make social media feel overwhelming to the beginner. Within minutes of surfing articles online, you’ll find wisdom that suggests a person has to blog 4-7 times per week or tweet multiple times perRead… Read more »

Online with multiple parts of your identity

I made the point at the Govloop conference on last Wednesday that unlike the model of Facebook that people have one singular identity online I, as other social scientists, predicate on the idea that individuals have lives in which we have a variety of identities. By identity I mean the way that each person understandingsRead… Read more »

Government Agency Mobile Applications Leave Room for Improvement

The White Horse Digital Futures Group’s exclusive report provides feedback for 30 citizen-focused government mobile applications, plus mobile development guidelines helpful for public or private organizations. “The number of smartphone users in the U.S. is approaching the 100 million user mark. Government bears a responsibility to ensure… (they) use available resources effectively and produce betterRead… Read more »

Just Because I Can Buy A Scalpel

Today, Leonard Sipes posted a narritive in GovLoop ; a nich social marketing wateringhole that focuses on the Federal space. My take-away from his post was that social marketing is cheap and necessary – thus everyone should be doing it … just hire community college students to do it for you. The social web isRead… Read more »

The GEICO Gecko’s Epic Journey Continues

Happy Friday everyone! As we have seen, the GEICO Gecko has begun a journey across the nation Where has the his epic quest taken him? Check out this week’s GEICO Friday Fun Video to find out! If only the Gecko could us money on parking tickets… ——————————————— GEICO was created in 1936 to provide autoRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up – October 21, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda First the bad news. QR Codes are now being infected. This is all very Snow Crash. Next, some good news. Fierce Government is reporting that government employee’s use of social media is growing. Key take-away: “Thirty-seven percent of federal workers said they are permitted to use social media as representatives of their agency.Read… Read more »

Your Fear of Social Media—I Don’t Have the Staff or Money

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Third in a series on the fear some people in government, associations and nonprofits express when whey contemplate social media. I listened to one of my social media podcasts where they were discussing the fact that tech-related conferences were filled to the brim with new exhibitors. When asked why, they all agreed that theRead… Read more »