
ACUS Calls for Public Comment Software

Readers of the blog may find this post on the ACUS recommendations regarding public comment analysis software interesting. We spent 10 years researching the problem of mass email campaigns and built a variety of prototype solutions. Over 300 federal agency personnel attended workshops and focus groups during the decade-long design process. About $4 millionRead… Read more »

Social Media’s Role in Cost-Effective Digital Communications Wrap Up and Presentation Slides

This Wednesday I attended GovDelivery’s conference, Social Media’s Role in Cost-Effective Digital Communications at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington D.C. The event had attendees from across the federal government, and took attendees took away a lot of great lessons to bring back to their agencies. You can view all the great presentations here. BelowRead… Read more »

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Getting the digital debate going – Jimmy Leach announces the FCO’s conference on cyberspace. Sounds interesting! Mid year review: the state of DH digital – Great honest review of activity in digital at the Dept Health Ofsted Parent View – Interesting “Parent’s Opinion” style schoolRead… Read more »

Bridging the Gap between Public Officials and the Public

This 2011 report by Tina Nabatchi and Cynthia Farrar for the Deliberative Democracy Consortium explores what elected officials know and think about public deliberation, as well as what they need to know to assess the potential value of public deliberation as a governance tool. Data from interviews with twenty-four state legislators and senior staff forRead… Read more »

7 Things Every Government Agency Can Do To Improve Customer Service

When President Obama issued an executive order in April this year compelling federal agencies to improve customer service, the future seemed a long way off. But as the first leaves begin to change color here in Washington, a deadline for action looms. By October 24, agencies are ordered to publish a plan for how theyRead… Read more »

Thursday’s political law links

OBAMA AND WALL STREET. The Post. “Despite frosty relations with the titans of Wall Street, President Obama has still managed to raise far more money this year from the financial and banking sector than Mitt Romney or any other Republican presidential candidate, according to new fundraising data.” SOLYNDRA EMAIL BATTLE. The Hill. “House Republicans areRead… Read more »

NJ TRANSIT partners with Google Wallet

NJ TRANSIT rail and bus customers can now use their cell phones to pay their fares at select locations. On Thursday, Governor Chris Christie announced the agency’s partnership with Google Wallet. Google Wallet is a free Android application that stores virtual versions of credit cards on the user’s phone. Customers can tap and pay usingRead… Read more »