
Rural broadband funds under scrutiny

The Federal Communications Commission is staking out a rough position on broadband. The commission is considering capping broadband funds while simultaneously promoting broadband expansion nationwide. The vote would cap funds for rural broadband available through the Universal Service Fund. The Universal Service Fund is a surcharge every American pays on their telephone bills in orderRead… Read more »

Where do you think Social Government should go ?

In many ways, Government is as skilled or even leading private industry in applying social technologies to transform itself. Government already makes heavy use of social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook to communicate with constituents and is pushing into new spaces with efforts to better communicate during emergencies or to facilitate reporting ofRead… Read more »

Web Improvement Plans Must Start With Commitment to Customer Service

The initial drafts of federal agency plans to improve online customer service have been posted. Agencies were asked to report on what’s happening currently, as the first step toward developing their plans; and I must say, the results are – well – disappointing. If you want to know what’s wrong with government websites, just scanRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Lessons of Leadership Part 2 – Overcoming Obstacles

Our guest blogger today is Jon, a recruiter in California working for the IRS Recruitment Office. He just finished a temporary assignment as acting manager over one branch of our office. Going through the IRS training program for future managers has been an exciting journey for me. I started the program by attending a oneRead… Read more »

Your Fear of Social Media—Your Older Target Audience is Within Reach

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Part four on the fear some people in government, associations and nonprofits express when whey contemplate social media. Entering social media now is like having an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of Google or Apple. If you knew it was going to become a worthwhile investment, you would have bought. SocialRead… Read more »

Sex offender registries branch to social media

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. Over the last few years, social networking – particularly Facebook – has shifted from a forum for college students to keep in touch, to a worldwide community with participants of all ages. The capabilities of social media tools are seemingly endless as users are no longer limited to simply messagingRead… Read more »