
Social Media Strategies: Five Great Examples of Social Media, RSVP 10/19

Please join us at GovDelivery’s event on Wednesday, October 19th, Social Media’s Role In Cost Effective Solutions. As we get closer to GovDelivery’s event next week, Social Media’s Role In Cost Effective Solutions, here a five strategies from my favorite social networks and some cool examples from Federal agencies. FourSquare/Location Based FourSquare takes a lotRead… Read more »

Why Government Should Not Go Lean

Just after I posted “Business Process Management As If People Mattered: Adaptive Case Management” the latest issue of the Harvard Business Review downloaded to my Color Nook. This was a special issue devoted to talent management and so I flipped through it pretty quickly until I came across “Lean Knowledge Work” (Staats and Upton, OctoberRead… Read more »

Muni to add surveillance cameras in train cabs

To enforce the newly adopted state ban on cell phone use on the job, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (CA) will install surveillance cameras to keep an eye on its rail operators. The California Public Utilities Commission approved a regulation last week that prohibits rail transit operators from using personal cell phones and otherRead… Read more »

PA Times: Crowdsourced Ideas Make Participating in Government Cool Again

The PA Times, published by the American Society of Public Administration, has just issued a special edition called “From Bureaucratic to Cool: A Call for Public Service”. My article on “Crowdsourced Ideas Make Participating in Government Cool Again” describes how government agencies on all levels are turning to Open Innovation platforms to collect the wisdomRead… Read more »

Eight Humor Styles in Action: Building Stress Resiliency with Interactive Humor – Part I & II

After my essay on the 9/11 Anniversary, I decided to make room for my basic Yin-Yang nature: here is an article on eight styles of humor. (The 9/11 essay, “Ten Years After: A Personal Remembrance of Sep 11th – Strategies for Grieving, Surviving and Evolving: ( The early-mid 20th century pioneering film-maker, artist and comedienne,Read… Read more »

From the Editor: The Safety Issue

Last month, I announced that PUBLICYTE would begin publishing themed issues, roughly once a month. Our first theme, Connectivity, was a great success (you can read all the articles here). This month, aligned with the National Cybersecurity Awareness Month sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security, I am pleased to tell you that our themeRead… Read more »

Procurement Takes Leading Role

While we are hearing a lot of talk about Procurement Shared Services from the corporate side, the public sector may be a step ahead on this one… By: SSON SSON interview with Paul Sutton, General Manager for Corporate Services at the City of Charles Sturt, Australia. “In terms of the marketing and communications area, that’sRead… Read more »

Disaster Recovery and the Role of Public Health

The following is a guest post from Whitney Zatzkin, Policy and Advocacy Manager at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. A member of the Coalition for Health Funding, she attended a Congressional briefing on the role of public health in disaster recovery on September 12, 2011. More information on this and future events isRead… Read more »

Slides Available for CTC 2011: Court Technology Conference

Slides are available for many of the presentations given at CTC 2011: The 2011 Court Technology Conference (Twitter hashtag #ctc2011), held 4-6 October 2011 in Long Beach, California, USA. The presentations included: Dean Peter W. Martin of Cornell University Law School on Abandoning Law Reports for Official Digital Case Law; James E. McMillan of theRead… Read more »