
Procurement Takes Leading Role

While we are hearing a lot of talk about Procurement Shared Services from the corporate side, the public sector may be a step ahead on this one… By: SSON SSON interview with Paul Sutton, General Manager for Corporate Services at the City of Charles Sturt, Australia. “In terms of the marketing and communications area, that’sRead… Read more »

Disaster Recovery and the Role of Public Health

The following is a guest post from Whitney Zatzkin, Policy and Advocacy Manager at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. A member of the Coalition for Health Funding, she attended a Congressional briefing on the role of public health in disaster recovery on September 12, 2011. More information on this and future events isRead… Read more »

Slides Available for CTC 2011: Court Technology Conference

Slides are available for many of the presentations given at CTC 2011: The 2011 Court Technology Conference (Twitter hashtag #ctc2011), held 4-6 October 2011 in Long Beach, California, USA. The presentations included: Dean Peter W. Martin of Cornell University Law School on Abandoning Law Reports for Official Digital Case Law; James E. McMillan of theRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up October 7, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Good-bye, Steve Jobs. His products are in the pockets and on the desks of countless Americans, both within and beyond the government. When he died, his customers, colleagues, competitors, compatriots, and admirers from across the globe poured out their hearts in a torrent of tweets. One artist captured them in this visualization. PlanningRead… Read more »

Netzwerk Bürgerbeteiligung: New German Online Community for Public Participation

Late last month, a new online community launched in Germany for people and organizations that “want to advance citizen participation in political decision making and shape the future of public participation” (translation mine). From the website (in German): Die Partizipation der Bürgerinnen und Bürger an gesellschaftlichen und politischen Entscheidungsprozessen ist ein elementarer Grundpfeiler der Demokratie:Read… Read more »

How do internal communications affect the ability of an organization to provide good service?

Picture great service as a three-legged bar stool. Your customer is sitting on top. What happens if one of the legs isn’t strong, or is flat out broken? That’s right, the customer falls off the stool and has a bad experience. Each of the elements represented by the bar stool can be given its ownRead… Read more »

Is there an NAO community?

At the moment we are spending some time helping colleagues launch this year’s graduate recruitment campaign – branded as Big-on. We are quite proud of our contribution including the branded Big-on Facebook page which my colleague Alex Mueller does a lot of work on. We also have a dedicated Big-on area of our website IRead… Read more »

Call for speakers to join the speaker platform for A.L.I’s 10th updated Strategic Internal Communication in Government Conference in Washington, DC scheduled for March 5-8, 2012.

As we do every year we are seeking the most innovative speakers, the most ground breaking topics, and case-studies to make you say “Wow” to make this another successful event! Topics ranging, but not limited to: Engaging employees at all levels by connecting them to your organization’s goals and strategic plan for the future ReinventingRead… Read more »