
The Database Society and You

There is much commentary right now about Facebook, social networking, and the meaning for the enterprise technologist. All of the tumult over Facebook’s new features (frictionless sharing, the timeline, etc) inspired me to dig out an old post I had written for Huffington Post on what I called the “database society:” The dominant metaphor ofRead… Read more »

Get On the Customer Service Bandwagon

I hope you’ve already been participating in the National Dialog on Government Websites, sponsored by the .Gov Reform Task Force and GSA. If not, it’s not too late. Tons of great ideas and comments and the opportunity to make your feelings known by voting (and you can do that anonymously). This is important, folks. PolicyRead… Read more »

500,000 Downloads Since June: The National Science Foundation’s Science360 for iPad App

I just met Paul David Flagg from the National Science Foundation where we are both presenting at the NOAA Communications Cafe for their executive team in Annapolis. I noticed he had some amazing pictures on his iPad and asked what they were. He said I was looking the National Science Foundation’s Science360 iPad App –Read… Read more »

Illinois, Minnesota to see expanded broadband

Illinois and Minnesota are moving forward on expansions to their in-state broadband networks. Frontier Communications recently expanded its service offerings to several Illinois communities including eight cities in deep southern Illinois. Additionally, Paul Bunyan Communications was awarded a $17 million dollar loan from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to expand its services throughout Minnesota.Read… Read more »

Google+ and Mobile Productivity for the Enterprise

Mashable reports that Google has improved its IOS Google+ app: The search giant follows Tuesday’s Android update of Google+with a similar refresh to its iOS version, now available free on the App Store. What’s new? Like its Android cousin, the iOS version of the Google+ mobile app now supports Hangouts, letting groups communicate with eachRead… Read more »

Start a Government Small Business Internet Marketing Support Initiative.

If the demand is there, small business will gladly find a way to deal with increased taxes and regulations, and demand is the only way to increase our hiring. That said, I have a very inexpensive way Government can help Small Business demand nationwide for pennies on the dollar. Start a Government Small Business InternetRead… Read more »

Jive and Social Business

Just because social media such as Facebook and Twitter are known to sap productivity at the workplace doesn’t mean that they aren’t efficient. Quite the contrary- social media’s allure comes from its amazing effectiveness for connecting people, forming virtual communities, compiling, developing, and delivering relevant information and, most recently, perfecting and distributing apps. Realizing thatRead… Read more »

Call for Papers: MPM 2011: Workshop on Modelling Policy-making

A call for papers — with submission deadline of 24 October 2011 — has been issued for MPM 2011: Workshop on Modelling Policy-making, to be held 12 or 13 December 2011, in Vienna, Austria, in conjunction with JURIX 2011. For MPM 2011, the program committee co-chairs are Dr. Adam Wyner of the University of LiverpoolRead… Read more »