
DC Fire Communications Director @wallscomm says “Social Media is for parties.” So Let’s Party!

The headline is astonishing to read given how much the emergency management community has gravitated toward using social media to achieve various goals, most especially in communicating with the public. Heck, @LAFD is recognized as being the first government organization to join Twitter (four years ago) and even a quick Google search for “emergency managementRead… Read more »

Changes to Facebook great for government

Tomorrow, Facebook will host their “f8” developer conference. It’s rumored that Facebook will roll out some new features that could be very beneficial for government. If reports are accurate, Facebook will release “read,” “listened,” “watched,” and “want” to supplement their hugely popular “like” button. Obviously, Facebook wants to use this information to provide more opportunitiesRead… Read more »

Social Media in Times of Emergency

In the month of August, the East Coast was hit with two natural disasters, one foreseen, Hurricane Irene, and one without notice, the August 23rd earthquake. Though one primary form of established media failed—phone service during the earthquake was interrupted for many, if not most—both government agencies and individual citizens used social media to learnRead… Read more »

White House releases report on government transparency

The White House released a report today detailing efforts the Obama administration has made to government transparency. Watchdogs largely praised administration efforts but said true change could take more time. According to the 33-page document, “The Obama Administration’s Commitment to Open Government: A Status Report,” officials have increased government openness by, for example, approving moreRead… Read more »

Facebook devours Twitter…a simple strategy

Facebook is about to eat Twitter for lunch. I’m slowly recognizing that more and more of my activity is migrating from Twitter to Facebook. I’ve also been wondering if Apples upcoming IOS 5 integration with Twitter is a strategic mistake on Apple’s part? What will it take for Facebook to finish Twitter off? Here’s myRead… Read more »

Month in review 8/15-9/20

With the August being a slow month and then my preparation for my speech last week in California, it was a slow posting month. I’m back to normal posting now. New! Social Media links for national political party organizations and their influence rankings (@dccchas best @klout) New blog post: The CA Legislature, social mediaRead… Read more »

Social Media Tactis: 5 Strategies to Manage Social Media – RSVP for 10/19

Please join us at GovDelivery’s event on Wednesday, October 19th, Social Media’s Role In Cost Effective Solutions. Managing a social media initiative is no easy task. There are a lot of nuances to properly manage your social media program. If you are currently managing a program, or starting a new social media initiative, here areRead… Read more »

Lessons from Netflix: what not to do with social media

Please join us at GovDelivery’s event on Wednesday, October 19th, Social Media’s Role In Cost Effective Solutions. If you’re in the US, you’ve no doubt heard the discontent over Netflix, which describes itself as “the world’s leading Internet subscription service for enjoying movies and TV shows.” They gained prominence over Blockbuster as a DVD-by-mail serviceRead… Read more »

Twitter Top 10: CEIL Made the List

Typically we highlight our favorite folks on Twitter, but for this week’s Twitter Top 10 we thought it would be fun to call attention to the Twitter lists that include CEIL. We try to be active and engaging on Twitter — sharing news, information and resources — and we think our inclusion on the followingRead… Read more »