
Tracking Deficit Commission with BGOV

Join us on Sep. 21st to See. Do. and Learn about Bloomberg Government with an interactive session complete with tips on how it can help you be awesome as a public affairs official. Limited seating so please RSVP.—————————————————————————————————– It’s a fact, I’m pretty intrigued by the deficit commission. Such an important task but so manyRead… Read more »

A few useful widgets from CMHC

Whenever I work with a new client, I always enjoy the “internal document/material review” phase quite a bit as I get to learn a great deal about the organization in a short period of time. Part of the process is of course digging through content on the client’s website. In the case of the CanadaRead… Read more »

International and hyperlocal – taking the message to market

Occasionally, I’m asked to do presentations and discuss what the Foreign Office does, digitally speaking. The fact I never get asked twice by the same people is something I prefer to gloss over. What I try and get across in these explanations of strategy is that if we’re trying to communicate, we have to takeRead… Read more »

A few tech items and other political law links for today

PRISON FOR CAMPAIGN TREASURER. The DOJ press release is here. “The former campaign treasurer for Representative Frank LoBiondo of New Jersey was sentenced today to 30 months in prison for embezzling more than $450,000 from the congressman’s election and re-election campaign accounts, announced Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Criminal Division, U.S. AttorneyRead… Read more »

Countdown signs are coming to WMATA bus stops

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (DC) plans to roll out countdown signs at major bus stops. According to the Washington Examiner, the District of Columbia plans to add 70 signs at bus shelters in partnership with Clear Channel advertising and WMATA plans to add 85 more at major stops throughout the region. Passengers currentlyRead… Read more »

What we’re working on

A quick note to mention some of the projects Kind of Digital is working on. CiviCrowd This is the name we have given to our WordPress-powered ideas crowdsourcing platform. South Holland District Council are going to be using the service to encourage people to suggest ideas for projects that will help their communities. This willRead… Read more »

Detroit, Macon & Philly Selected for CfA 2012

(Crossposted from the Knight Foundation Blog) As we are nearing the end of Code for America’s inaugural fellowship year, we’re excited to announce the forward-thinking city governments we will be partnering with in 2012. Today we’re honored to share that the cities of Detroit, Macon and Philadelphia have been selected as partners for the CodeRead… Read more »

Contractors Use Webinars, Social Media To Extend Their Voices

I originally published on GovWin Communication is an important aspect of any business, but how do new media tools affect government contractors seeking to team with others? In addition to social media tools like LinkedIn and Twitter, there are additional tools like company blogs and webinars that all play a part in extending the voiceRead… Read more »