
WSDOT hopes to turn clicks into cash

Since January, the Washington State Department of Transportation has been placing advertisements on its website. The pilot program started small, with ads on the ferry schedule and tracking pages, but WSDOT is about to expand the program to its mountain pass and traffic conditions pages. The agency is following federal rules that prohibit advertising onRead… Read more »

ACAS’ social networking guidance

ACAS – the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, who you’ve probably heard of on news reports about negotiations between employers and unions – have published some guidance for employers on how to manage staff use of these sites at work. Smart phones, internet, tweeting, blogging – we have accepted all of these innovations, and manyRead… Read more »

Congrats To Sony Corp! This is a very good move

Sony Corporation just announced the appointment of Phil Reitinger as Senior Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer. For those in the cybersecurity community you probably know of Phil and his many contributions. He is known as an action-oriented leader who understands the complexities of enterprise cybersecurity. We have reported on two of his keyRead… Read more »

Pew Study – 28% of American adults use mobile & social location-based services

Pretty cool new survey from Pew Internet. 28% of American adults use mobile and social location-based services More than a quarter (28%) of all American adults use mobile or social location-based services of some kind. This includes anyone who takes part in one or more of the following activities: 28% of cell owners use phonesRead… Read more »

ABCs of Presenting — a Trainer Staple

Training and Development, and Communication are so intricately entwined that I can’t help myself talking about it. I argue that the basic communication process is not simple, but in concept it is really–and those who get the Primer embedded have the easiest time adding the complicated parts. Never say, “in other words.” Never say never.Read… Read more »

Set Up Your Own Blog With Our Blog Route Plans!

Over the last year, there’s been a significant increase in the use of social media by those of us working in public works. Some of us are using it for work to enhance communications with citizens or other professionals. Others have started using it only to interact with personal friends and relatives. But even thoughRead… Read more »

Mobile Risk Management: Welcome to the Jungle

Philip Ewing reports on a nightmare scenario for the Department of Defense. Suppose a worker’s Android phone is infected with malware, and she innocently plugs it into her work computer to charge and sync contacts. You can imagine the government IT workers turning green at the thought of thousands of unknown phones running unknown softwareRead… Read more »

Redesign of, a site we produce in service to enterprise CTOs seeking ideas, concepts and evaluations, has just undergone a major makeover focused on making content easier to discover. The layout is now presented in a newspaper format with large headlines, lots of images, and automated suggestions of content related to what you are looking at.Read… Read more »

“How to Manage Social Media” Presentations

My thanks to Joel Sarfati, Director of 40 Plus of Greater Washington D.C. and Professor Ray Kimball of Montgomery College’s TechLeap Program for inviting me to give presentations on “How to Manage Social Media for Busy Professionals” last week. Both events had great audiences, and I appreciated the vigorous question-and-answer sessions. Two slide decks shareRead… Read more »