
The Learning Pool Community Day – 14 September

I’ll be joining my good friends at Learning Pool on the 14th September in celebrating their Community Day – where the UK’s biggest public sector online learning community will be coming to life. The packed agenda features plenty of reasons to sign up for a place, if you haven’t already. Keynote presentations from Dr AndrewRead… Read more »

Let’s Start a Customer Service Revolution!

No – that’s not the leftovers from Hurricane Irene. Those are the Winds of Change you’re feeling. The pieces for building an exciting new vision of government customer service are swirling around us – do you see them? Everything’s starting to converge…ideas, leadership, support from the top. We’re on the verge of a customer serviceRead… Read more »

Technology In A Hurricane

As Hurricane Irene has now passed through New York, the most common terms I’ve heard in response sound something like “overhyped” and “underwhelming.” (All in all, that’s probably a good thing; the opposite would be much, much worse.) With that lens, however, we risk glazing over the nitty gritty of the weekend — that is,Read… Read more »

Local Government Communicators Use Online Tools to Provide Irene Updates

After a weekend that saw the Eastern U.S. get hammered by Hurricane Irene, a number of government entities have stepped up their communications in order to reach the public. The advent of smart phones has made it possible for many people to use their phones to continue to get information during disasters, making online updatesRead… Read more »

What Type of Online Sharer Are You?

The New York Times Insight Group recently came out with this really fascinating research on the Psychology of Sharing. Lots of super interesting stuff here, but one section that really interested me are these 6 personas of sharers: The New York Times study found there are six sharing personas for online fans. Understanding these differentRead… Read more »

Esri Video Series: An Introduction from Esri’s Chris Thomas

Members of the GovLoop team recently attended the 2011 Esri User Conference located in beautiful San Diego, California. The conference hosted over 16,000 GIS users including a strong government user community. Here is our first installment of a multiple-part video series. This interview series focuses on how government is using GIS. We had the opportunityRead… Read more »

Half of U.S. adults use social networking

Fully 65% of adult Internet users now use social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn, according to a new report from the Pew Research Center. This percentage is more than double the 29% reported in 2008 and means that half of all adult Americans are now social networkers, marking a milestone for social mediaRead… Read more »