
Phone Tips & Tricks: “Point and Shoot”

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. I’ve been seeing a lot of images from all over after last week’s east coast earthquake and Hurricane Irene. This got me thinking. Our world has changedRead… Read more »

Facebook’s latest response to Google+

First thing I thought of when Google+ launched a few months ago was that they were making a big promotional mistake by making their USP (unique selling proposition) the fact that they allow users to create “circles”. Why did I think it was a mistake? One of the key things I remember that my strategicRead… Read more »

Socially-Semantic Markup – Link Facebook and Google Plus (+1) to Your Website

A primary objective of work in designing and deploying websites is to enable an evolved online user experience, for human users of the website. For many websites and their owners, the core website is also a source of information, marketing messages and social dialogue that lives elsewhere. “Elsewhere” can mean any Internet-enabled channel, from socialRead… Read more »

GovBytes: A Workplace Without Email?

Could you imagine doing your job without email? Many of us spend a large portion of our working hours sending and responding to messages, but that could all change. According to a new survey by Robert Half Technology, a majority of CIOs believe that real-time communication tools, like instant messaging, will eventually supplant workplace email.Read… Read more »