
Mr. Popularity and Your Enterprise 2.0 Community

Let’s do an experiment. Take five minutes and do a quick search of your organization’s blogs, microblogs, wikis, and forums that are available behind your firewall – and then let me know what the most popular topics are. Do they involve ”social media,” “Web 2.0,” “new media,” “mobile,” “enterprise 2.0,” or “collaboration?” Now, take aRead… Read more »

Assessing Public Participation in an Open Government Era: A Review of Federal Agency Plans

AmericaSpeaks‘ newly-released report, Assessing Public Participation in an Open Government Era: A Review of Federal Agency Plans (2011), describes and analyzes the participation activities described in Federal Agencies’ Open Government Plans. It identifies best practices across Agencies’ public participation initiatives and recommends improvements that would increase the public’s role in shaping federal policy. The reportRead… Read more »

Calling All Federal Cybersecurity Practitioners: Contribute ideas and actions to enhance the community

On 28 September 2011, will facilitate a one-day Government-Industry Cyber Security Summit to be held at the Newseum in Washington DC. This event is free for government cybersecurity practitioners. The Government-Industry Summit will bring together thought leaders who know the cyber mission in a venue designed to enhance our collective understanding of theRead… Read more »

Interesting elsewhere – 19 August 2011

Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web USENIX 2011 Keynote: Network Security in the Medium Term, 2061-2561 AD – Charlie’s Diary It’s nearly impossible to underestimate the political significance of information security on the internet of the future. Rather than our credentials and secrets being at risk – our credit card accounts andRead… Read more »

Tues August 23 in Second Life: Next Generation Learning in Virtual Worlds with Anders Grondstedt

You’re invited to join us next Tuesday, August 23 at 4pm eastern for our next Virtual Worlds for Stakeholder Engagement meeting. This group is free and the meeting is open to anyone interested in attending; you must have a Second Life account (they’re free) to participate. The group is co-sponsored by PublicDecisions and Learning Times.Read… Read more »

Deliberative Public Engagement: Nine Principles

Deliberative public engagement is a distinctive approach to involving people in decision-making. It is different from other forms of engagement in that it is about giving participants time to consider and discuss an issue in depth before they come to a considered view. The aim of this 18-page background paper (2008) from Involve and theRead… Read more »

Sometimes Social Media Gets Creepy

Twitter is an open, very public, forum. And it’s easy to lose sight of this reality. As most of us pound away on our smartphone of choice, tweeting to our heart’s content, we often forget that our micro-messages can be viewed by anyone ―literally, anyone. And if you are one of the select few whoRead… Read more »