
Over 550 Step Up.

All of this only works because people are willing to step up. Because individuals across the country — and in fact across the globe — decide that they want to help their communities, that they have skills they want to contribute, that they want to Code for America. Last year, we were overwhelmed with theRead… Read more »

Kundra’s “Reflections on Public Service”

Outgoing Federal CIO Vivek Kundra had an impressive legacy advancing the open government movement both at the national and local levels. He ended his tenure as U.S. Chief Technology Officer last Friday, and will be transitioning to a teaching position at Harvard University. Today, he posted a thoughtful piece, reflecting on his time in publicRead… Read more »

Social Media as a Protected Right? #gov20

Are Mobile Phones Subject to the Second Amendment Protections #gov20 David Gewirtz @ ZD writes an interesting column on whether the 2nd Amendment of the US constitution (or equivalent protections globally) would have protected cell phone use if they had been around at the time. Despite the commenters digging a bit to deep into theRead… Read more »

Workplace Communication: Don’t MUTE ME.

Workplace communication is major factor to a successful and healthy work environment. It’s amazing to me how team members and upper management can turn their heads to certain workplace issues, project risks and issues and still expect success. If one does not embrace transparency, collaboration and effective communication most projects will fail. Top Level communication:Read… Read more »

Oyster Burger. Enough said.

It would have been easy to blog about the Conservative British Government’s appalling choice to muse openly about shutting down social media sites or deny access to certain users in response to the riots… but enough people have commented on how colossally dumb this is (not to mention hypocritical given that only last year BritainRead… Read more »

National Archives & FourSquare use: Walk in the Footsteps of the Presidents

I recently attended a webinar hosted by GSA’s Web Manager University who is hosting a series of New Media Talks. I attended a talk by Charles Birnbaum, who is responsible for Business Development and Partnerships at on the use of FourSquare in government. He was accompanied by Jill James, social media lead at theRead… Read more »