
A Modestly Proposed Replacement for the Primary Process

Retirement has given me time to muse and think about things and processes in a more dispassionate manner. The hugest farce we all have to endure is the political primary season leading up to the general election for President. The posturing, the posing, the empty and sometimes frightening political rhetoric, and above all the wasteRead… Read more »

Service Where You Serve: Connecting with Citizens Where They Connect with You

The Customer Service series is supported by RightNow Technologies. To learn more on how to use cloud technology to improve customer service, visit the RightNow resource center today. Check out the GovLoop/RightNow Customer Service Hub to get smart on how to be awesome at customer service ————————— Advances in technology, and the ready adoption ofRead… Read more »

Social Networks New Territory for Terrorism- By Joshua Jacobs

This shouldn’t be considered a new idea or story by any stretch of the imagination but social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and the newly launched Google+ are becoming increasingly popular frontiers for terrorist organizations. Classic cyberterrorism has always been associated with the large-scale disruption of computer networks and certain targeted websites being affected byRead… Read more »

Communities of Like-Minded People Can Cause Real Change in Government

GovLoop is sponsoring a symposium on Customer Service, August 23. It promises to be a great event – bringing together customer service experts and passionistas from within and outside of government, and it hopes to culminate in some real actions to improve customer service in government. Hurrah! Wish I could be there (I was invited,Read… Read more »

How Government Agencies can Use Facebook to Connect with Spanish-Speakers in the U.S. – Part 1

US Latinos, 50.5 million and growing rapidly, use the Internet, social media, and mobile at greater rates than the overall US population and are very enthusiastic about using online tools to receive government information. According to The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), 30 million Latinos were online in 2010, representing 59.5% of the total Hispanic populationRead… Read more »

Computer glitch shuts down BART trains

A communications problem between two routers shut down Bay Area Rapid Transit (CA) trains for over two hours on Monday night, and officials are still trying to figure out why. “It seems to be a fluke,” said spokesman Linton Johnson. “But we have to get to the bottom of it.” When the routers stopped communicatingRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Video-sharing rising(07/26/2011) –A new PEW report found 71% of online adults reported watching videos onvideo-sharing sites, such as YouTube or Vimeo, which is five-percentage-points more than last year. Dashboards in Government(07/2011) – A new IBM report provides a snapshot ofdashboard use that monitors performance and provides accountability and transparency. The report includes selected federal dashboards,Read… Read more »

Blog Lab

Social media leadership is a game of balancing goals and resources. I’ve learned to “begin with the end in mind,” balancing results, cost, time, staff capabilities, and continuous innovation for optimum value. Continuous Innovation? A long time ago I asked a customer CTO how could I tell when I was buying enough software? He grinnedRead… Read more »