
The Use of BIG words: “Dumb it Down”

Some people think using big words at meetings or during normal conversations make them so much smarter than you. Maybe some of these people are insecure about what they know about the job, because it’s their only way to shine so they use complex analogies and big words to intimidate people. Corporate Rebel: I haveRead… Read more »

10 Reasons Why City Governments Should Embrace Hackathons

Rachel Sterne is Chief Digital Officer for the City of New York, where she focuses on the City’s digital media strategy. You can follow her on Twitter @RachelSterne or follow the City @nycgov Today is the last day to sign up for Reinvent NYC.GOV, the City’s first-ever hackathon. Civic-minded designers and developers who want toRead… Read more »

The Quickest Way To Deploy A Well Engineered Apache Hadoop Solution To A Production Environment

As a former enterprise CTO and current technology watcher, I was struck at the incredible brilliance of yesterday’s announcement by Dell and Cloudera. In a move that will help enterprises of all sizes serve a very wide range of missions, those two organizations have announced a new relationship that will enable something that has neverRead… Read more »

PM Podcast Episode 190: Every Project is a Social Network

This week’s episode of The Project Management Podcast: In last week’s episode we gave you tips, tricks and lessons learned how you can improve your project communications with proper use of modern tools. Call them social media tools, call them enterprise 2.0 tools, call them whatever you want. But at the core of using themRead… Read more »

Understanding the Many Communities within Open Gov

Word on the street is that when life first appeared on the planet, it was single-cell. It took a little bit of time (i.e. millions and millions of years) for life to get its differentiation on. But soon, you could see it (or not, since people weren’t around yet): mitochondria, smooth ER and rough ER,Read… Read more »