
Pollbob iPhone App Review

Over a third of American adults, 35 percent, currently own smartphones, with that number expected to keep growing. That means that over one third of Americans keep a user-friendly networked computing device with them at all times. The unprecedented access to computing created by smartphones is good for more than just Angry Birds, with companiesRead… Read more »

Managing and Protecting Information on Social Networks

GAO recently did a study of Federal agencies using various social media sites. Since many agencies have started to explore how to use social media to achieve the objectives of the agencies mission, the GAO wanted to explore how social media services may pose risks to both personal and government information. The GAO was taskedRead… Read more »

Pentagon Seeking Social Networking Help

I ran across this blog post in the New York Times and thought it was pretty interesting. The Pentagon has put out a call for assistance with using social media to monitor political unrest and “the spread of ideas.” Proposals can apply for funding to the tune of $42 million dollars. As social media playRead… Read more »

To jump-start the economy, is an “Organizational Development Intervention needed?

A recent US Senate hearing on the recruitment and hiring of college graduates made it clear that the Senators as well as the panelists from government and academia faced difficult questions about the future of the workforce and the dismal U.S. economy. The harsh reality is that the marketplace is not producing enough jobs forRead… Read more »

GAO says feds should update social media policies

A report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office says that federal agencies have not fully addressed concerns about using social media in three areas: privacy, security, and records management. ”The use of these services can pose challenges in managing and identifying records, protecting personal information, and ensuring the security of federal information and systems,” theRead… Read more »

Measuring Your Effectiveness in Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service

How far along is your agency in implementing the Customer Service Plan mandated in President Obama’s Executive Order 13571 – Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service? In my latest blog post, I’ve provided a recommendation for a Short Term Web Measurement plan to help you: Receive customer feedback Evaluate the entire customer experience AnalyzeRead… Read more »