
A Requiem for a “Last Angry Man”: A Son’s Eulogy

It’s been a battle, discovering whether I was ready to write and share about my dad’s recent death. I guess this posting is the answer. I hope you find some meaning in the heartfelt words and stories. Thanks for reading. Mark ————- My father died on Father’s Day. I’m not sure his timing was meantRead… Read more »

Next Gen – Live Stream & Twitter Stream

Next Gen is one day away and we’ve had a flood of last minute flurry – from registration questions, questions, and our assembly line. Live StreamWe are really stoked to live stream a number of our sessions at Next Gen. More info coming on the exact schedule but for sure we’ll be live streaming crazyRead… Read more »

More Twitter changes for Metro

More social media changes are coming to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (DC). The agency recently scooped up the Twitter handle @WMATA and will be migrating users from the current official feed, @MetroOpensDoors. Since hiring Dan Stessel as chief spokesman earlier this summer, WMATA has increased its social media presence. TBDOnFoot writes about theRead… Read more »

MTA chief’s exit could jeopardize tech projects

Last week’s sudden resignation of Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY) CEO Jay Walder could leave some of the agency’s tech projects in doubt. According to the New York Post, projects in jeopardy could include a new open fare system to replace MetroCard, expansion of the subway countdown clock system, and new subway passenger communication system calledRead… Read more »

Getting educated with open data

In a recent letter from the Prime Minister in the UKto government departments, David Cameron reaffirmed the commitment towards opening up public data that was initiated by the previous government in July, 2009 and swiftly followed by the publication of the open public data catalogue in November, 2009. Today, catalogues data from aRead… Read more »

TechAmerica: Gov Should Move to the Cloud

Today, the TechAmerica Foundation released its report, Commission on the Leadership Opportunity in U.S. Deployment of the Cloud. It is a guide for the Obama Administration on “how government should deploy cloud technologies and for public policies that will help drive U.S. innovation in the cloud.” This continues a series of pushes for government toRead… Read more »

Make Time to Lead

I first wrote a blog post called “Make Time to Lead,” more than 5 years ago; and I’ve written several variations on that theme since then. It’s a lesson I learned first-hand, as I managed HUD’s web program and co-chaired the Federal Web Managers Council. It’s easy to get so inundated in process that youRead… Read more »