
29 July Tech Lab Pgm Features EngagingPlans – Online Engmt Websites

Our Friday 29 July Tech Lab program features EngagingPlans from UrbanInteractiveStudio (UIS). Join us to learn more about the EngagingPlans online tool and to hear tips about successful online engagement based on Chris Haller’s experience working with agencies and nonprofits. EngagingPlans is an online engagement solution tailored to practitioners’ needs, something that’s rare in today’sRead… Read more »

Twitter Top 10: Renewable Energy Focus

For this week’s Top 10 Twitter list we’re focusing on renewable energy. There is plenty of information sharing on Twitter about renewable energy, but these are the ten folks we think are leading the charge. @REWorld – The world’s #1 Renewable Energy News and Information Source @NWcleantech – NW Cleantech is a digital community connectingRead… Read more »

What is Twitter?

There was a bit of discussion on Twitter this evening about explaining Twitter to the uninitiated. (If this sounds a bit navel-gazingy, that’s because it probably is. Hang around in any online space for long enough and you soon end up in meta-conversations of this type.) Emma Maier of the Local Government Chronicle is organisingRead… Read more »

It’s All About Knowledge!

What is knowledge? “Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something, that can include descriptions, facts, information and/or skills acquired through experience or education”, according to Wikipedia. Ben Franklin revealed, “an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” What does knowledge have to do with customer service? Consider this, have you ever been toRead… Read more »

Tuesday, 26 July PublicForum Webinar: Know Thy Communication Style

“Know Thy Communication Style” Using SMART Conversations® to speak your truth and enhance all of your relationships. A PublicForum Webinar Date: Tuesday, July 26 Time: Noon-1:30 pm Eastern (New York) (60-minute webinar with optional 30 minute Q & A ) FREE* for Circle Club members $20* USD for nonmembers *Add $12 for telephone audio (noRead… Read more »

Seven Management Imperatives: Imperative Six – Work with the Private Sector in New Ways

Government leaders and managers are increasingly doing business using methods and approaches that differ from the traditional contracts and grants process. Today, government leaders and managers need to know how to use innovative acquisition methods that shorten the lifecycle of a contract, as well as how to leverage new ways of tapping into the privateRead… Read more »

PM Podcast Episode 189: Tips, Tricks & Lessons Learned for Social Media in Project Management

This week’s episode of The Project Management Podcast: What would you say is the biggest problem on projects today? Is it the ever increasing complexity? Is it project sponsors who are absent? Is it the impossible expectations that our customers have? Robert Szilinksi and Michael Krebs ( and say that it’s neither of these.Read… Read more »