
New NIH Publication: Principles of Comm Engagement, 2nd Edition

We’re glad to share this announcement from Amanda Jones of the Health Equity Movement: “The new National Institutes of Health publication, Principles of Community Engagement, 2nd Edition updates and expands the 1997 booklet published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry ( The executive summaryRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 is a “fait accompli” in France. But what about the French version of Gov 2.0?

“France succumbed to Twitter” – this is today’s headline in one of the most popular French newspaper “Le Parisien”. Two million French are using Twitter as of today. This number is nothing compared to the true success of Facebook on the French soil. Half (!) of the population in France are using the biggest socialRead… Read more »

Charlene Li and the Facebook Page of U.S. Embassy – Jakarta, Indonesia

I know Charlene Li from her book < Marketing in the Groundswell >. This little book was a very fun to read. It pointed out a simple fact that is so easily overlooked nowadays: We talk too much, but rarely listen. In the summer issue of <The Public Manager>, Charlene Li re reiterated this idea—sheRead… Read more »

Upcoming Webinars on Nonprofits and Social Media

Heather Mansfield, an expert in nonprofits and social media, is hosting several upcoming webinars in late July and August that might be of interest: 7/26 :: How Nonprofits Can Successfully Utilize Mobile Websites, Group Text Messaging, and Text-to-Give Technology: 7/28 :: How Nonprofits Can Successfully Utilize Mobile Social Networking Tools and Location-Based Communities:… Read more »

Santa Cruz Assistant to the City Manager Interview

As a recently graduated MPA student (July 1 graduation– check it out here!), I’m trying to learn as much as I possibly can about government. This post is the first of a series of interviews with outstanding state and local government employees across the country. I find people incredibly fascinating and I love learning aboutRead… Read more »

GovTech: New Facebook App Connects Citizens to Government

Government Technology reported that citizens in Burleson, Texas, now have another way to connect with government. A new Facebook application was developed to make it easier for citizens to report and request services from their local government. The Facebook application is called the Citizen Request Tracker (CRT). Public administrators in Burleson have seen an increaseRead… Read more »

Social Media: The Norm

I came across an article today that I thought brought up an obvious (but much needed) point. The article says that CIO of Michigan gave a presentation and “[stated] that Online tools and social media are now the norm.” This is an important point that government officials who are resistant to using social media (suchRead… Read more »

Rethinking the Food Label

In 2003, then Surgeon General, Richard H. Carmona reported that obesity had reached crisis levels. Carmona explained that obesity is ”the fastest-growing cause of disease and death in America. And it’s completely preventable.” In response to this crisis, Michelle Obama has been publicly advocating increased physical activity and improved diet. In 2010, the first ladyRead… Read more »