
3 Ways to Improve Customer Service

The Customer Service series is supported by RightNow Technologies. To learn more on how to use cloud technology to improve customer service, visit the RightNow resource center today. Check out the GovLoop/RightNow Customer Service Hub to get smart on how to be awesome at customer service ————————— The great part about the topic of customerRead… Read more »

Data, Design and Diabetes

On June 9, 2011, sanofi-aventis U.S. announced the “sanofi-aventis U.S. Innovation Challenge: Data, Design, Diabetes” at the National Institute of Health’s Health Data Initiative Forum. The challenge integrates open data with a human-centered view into diabetes, and will award $220,000 in total prize money. Guest blogger Michele Polz provides details on how this challenge cameRead… Read more »

Is Re-Branding the New Pivot?

I was at an entrepreneurs event last night where three separate people told me they were in the process of rebranding their already-launched startup. One told me that since they’ve started using their new name in conversations, they’ve been making more deals and are getting better reactions from investors. Nobody at the entire event mentionedRead… Read more »

How Do We Get More People to Interact with Their Representatives? Social Media and the Future of Democracy: Part Four

By Andrew Foxwell, Director of Marketing / New Media In the last installation of this four-part series, I’d like to cover the final — and pressing — question we face. As modes of communications change, let’s look at how we can use available technology toward our ultimate goal: increasing communications, which ultimately promotes our democracy.Read… Read more »

State of Social Media Monitoring Survey

Once in a while, my organization conducts research geared at public sector and non-profit marketing/communications professionals. The research is meant to benefit the entire community as it addresses knowledge gaps in the industry. A few weeks ago, CEPSM partnered up with Environics Research Group to launch the “State of Social Media Monitoring in theRead… Read more »

Retreat Exercises and Interventions that Changed Organizational Cultures: Unexpected Discoveries

Last week produced a “déjà vu” experience although it was definitely not the “déjà vu all over again” variety. For only the second time in my speaking career I received unanticipated feedback from participants of a workshop two or more years after the actual event. This is not trivial as one of the challenging aspectsRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Unlocking Employee Buy-In

Anyone who follows this blog knows I spend as much time talking about our culture as I do discussing our marketing and social media strategies. The reason is simple, they go hand in hand; our employees define our culture and without them our marketing strategies would be dead in the water. From our employee recruiterRead… Read more »

A chat with Alex Howard from O’Reilly Media on mobile Gov 2.0

When it comes to reporting on new developments in the Gov 2.0 world, there are few more influential than Alex Howard. Based in Washington D.C., Alex writes for O’Reilly Media on everything from social media to new technology developments. He’s known to many by his Twitter pseudonym, @digiphile. I sat down with him while inRead… Read more »