
Retreat Exercises and Interventions that Changed Organizational Cultures: Unexpected Discoveries

Last week produced a “déjà vu” experience although it was definitely not the “déjà vu all over again” variety. For only the second time in my speaking career I received unanticipated feedback from participants of a workshop two or more years after the actual event. This is not trivial as one of the challenging aspectsRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Unlocking Employee Buy-In

Anyone who follows this blog knows I spend as much time talking about our culture as I do discussing our marketing and social media strategies. The reason is simple, they go hand in hand; our employees define our culture and without them our marketing strategies would be dead in the water. From our employee recruiterRead… Read more »

A chat with Alex Howard from O’Reilly Media on mobile Gov 2.0

When it comes to reporting on new developments in the Gov 2.0 world, there are few more influential than Alex Howard. Based in Washington D.C., Alex writes for O’Reilly Media on everything from social media to new technology developments. He’s known to many by his Twitter pseudonym, @digiphile. I sat down with him while inRead… Read more »

Is Classroom Training Dying?

It seems traditional classroom training as we know it may be dying, but there are ways to bring it back to life. “Recent remarks* by Tony Bingham, CEO of ASTD, suggested that much of the formal classroom with instructor-led training has gone the way of scheduled classes, blackboards and overhead projectors. Replaced by the ‘pull’Read… Read more »

MTA wireless project inches forward

As Transportation Nation reports, wireless service is coming to New York’s subways, but progress is slow. The long-delayed project is scheduled for completion in four years, with three Manhattan stations to be wired within six months. Transit Wireless will charge telecom companies for use of the wireless signal and share those revenues with the MetropolitanRead… Read more »

Hacked Off?

Kent County Council is always looking to create innovative and cost-effective methods of delivering services. One way in which this can be done is through hosting local hack-days for creative students and graduates to come together, to contribute and share ideas and to try out new concepts and prototypes. Who would we invite students toRead… Read more »

How using a marketing approach can help open data

One of the biggest barriers to the growth of the open data movement in my opinion is that nearly every open data related meeting/event is still comprised primarily of data geeks and app developers. The language that is used by this community (e.g. machine readable data, open access, genomes, geo-spatial, etc…) confuses the typical non-geekRead… Read more »