
Has social media made us lazy?

Here is an interesting article from Dean Obeidallah posted on CNN, Are Social Media Creating the Laziest Generation? Obeidallah comments, “Observing events and then commenting about them on social media has become our national religion. We anxiously wait for the next celebrity to screw up, another politician to be caught in a sex scandal, theRead… Read more »

Raytheon to win LA-RICS contract?

Deltek Sr. Analyst Jeff Webster reports. The process to contract a vendor for the Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System (LA-RICS) has taken another, almost inevitable, twist. A representative within LA County breached a non-disclosure agreement relative to the LA-RICS request for proposals (RFP) on May 23, 2011. This subsequently led the county to issueRead… Read more »

5 Things Harry Potter Can Teach Us About Government Contracting

I originally posted this on GovWin for the release of Harry Potter, and realized a lot of this still connects to federal employees as well. For the broad information that does relate to just contractors, it will at least provide some insight from our side. As J.K. Rowling’s boy wizard franchise prepares to close withRead… Read more »

WMATA to launch new social media campaign

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (DC) is launching a social media campaign intended, in part, to create a two-way dialogue with riders. After years of using Twitter almost exclusively to push out automated service updates, Metro recently created a new Twitter account (@MetroForward) that engages customers in conversation. “We’re putting the people, the toolsRead… Read more »

Emergency 2.0 Wiki Blog is now live!

Hi All, Thought you might be interested to know that the Emergency 2.0 Wiki Working Group have just launched the blog site and are undertaking a “Blog Launch Blitz” right this minute, to promote the wiki locally and globally to our stakeholders using social media! We’re in Brisbane, Australia with our laptops and mobile phonesRead… Read more »

Mass Media Engagement: How Journalists are Using Google+

By now most are probably like me, someone who actually likes Google+ (Transparency), are probably starting to grow a little wary of the number of blogs on Google+ that talk about how awesome or un-awesome (it’s a word..seriously..) it is. Okay, fair enough, I have written my share on this topic and comments until myRead… Read more »

Lawmakers support digital ads for Big Blue Bus

The California state senate approved a bill that will allow Santa Monica’s Big Blue Bus (CA) to test digital advertising on the sides of its buses. City officials believe that the ads could generate $8 million in revenues a year, but opponents claim that the moving billboards could distract other drivers and cause accidents. “AdvertisingRead… Read more »

OC Transpo warns against unofficial tweets

Ottawa’s OC Transpo (ON) is warning riders not to rely on unofficial Twitter accounts that provide service information and status updates. Unlike systems in other Canadian cities, OC Transpo does not have an official Twitter account and riders have taken things into their own hands. One Twitter account (@OCTranspoAlerts) reposts service updates from OC Transpo’sRead… Read more »