
OC Transpo warns against unofficial tweets

Ottawa’s OC Transpo (ON) is warning riders not to rely on unofficial Twitter accounts that provide service information and status updates. Unlike systems in other Canadian cities, OC Transpo does not have an official Twitter account and riders have taken things into their own hands. One Twitter account (@OCTranspoAlerts) reposts service updates from OC Transpo’sRead… Read more »

De Lucena Neto on Lawsuit Automation in Brazil

Professor Dr. Cláudio de Lucena Neto of Universidade Estadual da Paraíba Departamento de Direito Privado presented a paper entitled The [Effects] of Lawsuit Automation in a Labour Court and in a Common Justice Court in the State of Paraíba, Brazil: A Comparative Case Study, at LexInformatica 2011 / CLIT 2011: The 4th Regional Conference onRead… Read more »

Designers: Consider the Icon

As designers and visual communicators, we should do better to consciously recognize the communicative value of icons and symbols. Designers are a curious breed of people: we are creators, inquisitive leaders, thinkers, and ponderers of how we can spark change through the process of design, and how we can improve communication and understanding through whatRead… Read more »

Data point: does announcing we’re walking away from a Facebook page invite vandalism?

Over the spring, I saw several discussions, in various social media venues, about whether to announce that you’ll be away from an agency Facebook page if your agency shuts down. The short version of each side is:pro: people don’t expect regular posts or responsescon: since you can’t review comments or posts on FB before theyRead… Read more »

6 Top Qualities Of A Great Trainer

Kelly Prince is the Senior Instructional Designer at Management Concepts, which does most of their business with the federal government. In this interview, Kelly gives advice and tidbits to enhance your personal training techniques and shares the top qualities of a great trainer. Q. What are some of the top qualities every trainer should have?Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: July 15, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Why, Yes, We Do Have a Web Site for That. As one of his parting gifts, Vivek Kundra has given Americans a complete listing of all 1,759 federal government Web sites, including the site detailing the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument,, which is pronounced pretty much exactly as it’s spelled. Listen. Is ItRead… Read more »

MTA to add surveillance cameras to buses

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY) is outfitting another 341 buses with security cameras. Eight-five buses are already equipped with surveillance, and the authority will decide shortly whether to install cameras on another 1,100 vehicles. The cameras will store images for a month but will not feed information to New York City Transit’s command center inRead… Read more »