
First It Was Weiner, Now It’s Johnson – Freshman Congressman’s Twitter Feed Hacked

Following on the heels of “Weinergate,” where then-House Representative Anthony Wiener claimed his Twitter account was hacked, it appears we have an actual case where a member of Congress has had their Twitter account tampered with. TweetCongress founder Chris McCroskey received a call last night from the office of Bill Johnson, a freshman Representative fromRead… Read more »

American Citizenship 101

Celebrating American Citizenship A couple of weeks ago, we celebrated American Independence Day with all of the usual festivities. We commemorated our nation’s birthday by attending a parade, watching the night sky light up with fireworks in downtown Houston or enjoying a three-day weekend with family and friends. Moments like these remind us just howRead… Read more »

Tips on Improving Government Websites

On Tuesday, the White House held a Q & A about Improving Federal Websites. BUT, there are takeaways and ideas that local governments and state agencies can gain from this discussion (see below the video). According to the White House Blog: “For the first time, the federal government has published the list of all .govRead… Read more »

Rest in Peace, Social Media Ninjas

Let’s get this straight – a few years ago, you read The Cluetrain Manifesto or Groundswell or one of the other hundred social media books out there, you started reading Mashable, you created a Twitter account, and you developed a bunch of presentations you used internally to help get buy-in from your organization’s senior leadershipRead… Read more »

Why Blog?

Guest Post by Dana Blankenhorn I first met Dana Blankenhorn when I left enterprise software and was building an open source company. He was blogging about open source and two out of three of his posts I had to implement immediately. He was my teacher-from-the-cloud for over a year. He is still the only personRead… Read more »

Week in review 7/13

Social media news from the world of politics: RT @techpresident The +Newt Gingrich Google Hangout: How’d That Go? | techPresident RT @politico Newt Gingrich miles ahead in Twitter primary – Emily Schultheis – RT @MarkKornblau: Not every day you get to welcome a brand new country to Twitter. Welcome @RepSouthSudan. RT @RWW:Read… Read more »

What is Govloop to YOU?

With so many different types of social networks now present in today’s society and Google adding yet another one to the mix, I have often wondered if it is truly fair to reference Govloop as the, “Facebook for Government.” Sure, at the time, the reference was the most clear picture that could be provided toRead… Read more »