
Are more “super-sized cities” coming soon?

For years, people have talked about a phenomenon called “suburban sprawl” – what happens when cities tend to blend into each other along a stretch of road, making it difficult (if not impossible) to tell when you have passed into a bordering community. This is often said of the Chicago to Milwaukee corridor – bothRead… Read more »

What Google+ Means for You

#leftcontainerBox { border:1px solid #808080;float:left; position: fixed; top:40%; left:60px; z-index:1; background-color:#F0F4F9} #leftcontainerBox .buttons { float:left; clear:both; margin:4px 4px 4px 4px; width:55px; height:60px; padding-bottom:2px; } #bottomcontainerBox { border:1px solid #808080;float:left; height:30px; width:100%; background-color:#F0F4F9} #bottomcontainerBox .buttons { float:left; height:30px; width:85px; margin:4px 4px 4px 4px; } Photo Credit / There has been a lot of hype in theRead… Read more »

Federal Mentoring Roundtable: Diversity, Leadership, Mentoring and You

Last week, I was excited to roll out GovLoop’s brand new, first-of-its-kind, government-wide mentoring program. In just one week, over 70 mentors have signed up! Thank you to everyone who’s signed up so far – and it’s not too late for more mentors to come on board. We’d love to have 150 mentors on theRead… Read more »

Making Mobile Gov: Discuss Privacy & Identity Management

Day Seven of mobile challenges is about privacy and identity management. Mobile has been called an intimate technology. People carry their mobile devices with them at all times. Their phones have easy access to friends and family contacts, calendars, email, and social networks. The availability of location and personal data requires government to be extraRead… Read more »

The Evolution of Team Synergy: Transforming Parts into Partners

That the term “synergy” keeps showing up on my mental radar and calendar is not surprising. But yesterday, I experienced the “mother nature” variation. Meandering along the banks of the Chagrin River, 20 miles east of Cleveland, I stepped off the heavily wooded path at the confluence point of two streaming tributaries. Walking along aRead… Read more »

Quick update

Apologies for the lack of updates here. I’ve been very busy with work, and travelling about the place. Also been writing stuff for elsewhere, and it would appear I only have a finite number of words in my head at any one time. I do have a couple of things to point people to though.Read… Read more »

The Fallacy of 100% Engagement

We tend to talk about employee engagement in absolute terms, as if it was wholly achievable, but nothing could be further from the truth. 100% engagement is a complete and utter myth It is simply unattainable. Not everyone is going to love what they do all the time; telling them otherwise is irresponsible and aRead… Read more »

Stowaway: Drawing a line in the sand for Government agencies responsible for transportation security-

By Josh Jacobs Details continue to emerge from a story that broke at the end of June concerning a Nigerian American who bypassed three separate layers of airport security in New York and successfully flew to Los Angeles. It wasn’t until mid-flight that the suspect was asked to present his boarding pass and ID. AfterRead… Read more »

Afraid to Adapt?

Creative Commons via Flickr Sammy0716 In the world of social media, I have become pretty comfortable. I currently use Facebook personally and professionally via multiple fan pages, Twitter in 5 different ways, WordPress for 3 blogs, Blogger for 2 blogs, Foursquare for fun and begrudgingly, LinkedIn as my electronic business card. Oh yeah, and thenRead… Read more »