
Watson in the Workplace

IBM‘s Watson, an artificial intelligence computer system which famously defeated two all-time Jeopardy! quiz show champions, may soon go from playing games to answering questions in the workplace and call centers as IBM looks to modify the technology for business. Watson was powered by distributed computing technologies such as Apache Hadoop, which was used forRead… Read more »

Oh. Google+.

At some point, social media stopped being fun and started being an exercise in leverage for local government. I didn’t sign up for that. So I’m not going to. I’m going to play with Google+ like a normal person. A normal user. Because how else, ultimately, am I actually supposed to work out how we’reRead… Read more »

Uniform Electronic Material Act Approved by ULC

The Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act — formerly called The Authentication and Preservation of State Electronic Legal Materials Act — has been approved by the Uniform Law Commission (ULC; formerly called the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, NCCUSL) at their annual meeting in Vail, Colorado, according to a ULC Twitter post. [UpdateRead… Read more »

Too Many Websites, Too Little Time

The Customer Service series is supported by RightNow Technologies. To learn more on how to use cloud technology to improve customer service, visit the RightNow resource center today. Check out the GovLoop/RightNow Customer Service Hub to get smart on how to be awesome at customer service. Let’s face it, it’s a huge challenge for governmentRead… Read more »

Creating a citizen movement for open government

Hi folks, I’m new to the GovLoop community. It was recommended that I post this here and get some feedback. Originally posted on The article is CC-BY-SA, attributions Jason Hibbets. How do you get techies, govies, and citizens to identify, collaborate, and start creating solutions for your local government? Host a CityCamp. It’s easierRead… Read more »

How Stunning Storytelling Can Advance Your Career (FREE Online Training)

More than 230 GovLoopers have responded to a challenge from Dave Dejewski to explain what they do in 7 words or less and Jeffrey Levy has asked: “Can you tweet what you offer an employer?” While the responses are clever, you’ve got to wonder if 7 words or 140 characters are enough to tell yourRead… Read more »

The New Apple vs. PC: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Google+ Beta

I’ve been making this case from the middle ground for a while now: What we have here is an up and coming “battle” of social networking sites that will ultimately hinge on people’s personal preference, ability to be influenced by the masses, and even driven by their discontent with the competing technology. Or, to putRead… Read more »

Is Twitter a Mainstream Media Company?

Last week, President Obama took part in the first “Twitter Townhall” event, hosted in the East Room of the White House. I was on the scene to take it all in. The event led to widespread general coverage (see articles from Forbes and Bloomberg, for example) and what could be considered a public relations boonRead… Read more »

Retaining privacy when doing business online

This post was originally posted on the Center for the Business of Government Blog, written by Dan Chenok. I recently spoke at a 2-day event hosted by NIST that addressed privacy and identity management as part of the NSTIC; the NSTIC represents the most far-reaching set of goals and objectives to date around promoting secure,Read… Read more »