
The Global, Mobile Enterprise Era: Transform Your Presence

2011 has shown that not only are mobile strategies effective in growing a business globally, they are imperative. As our knowledge of mobile marketing begins to grow, so do the statistics: * 250 million people access Facebook through a mobile device; those who access through a mobile device rather than a PC are twice asRead… Read more »

Part 2: Generational Diversity in Government – What’s Your Generation Thinking?

As a recap, I had the pleasure and privilege of speaking on the panel, Bridging the Generation Gap, at the Next Generation of Government Summit in July 2010, sponsored by Govloop. As the 2011 Next Generation of Government Summit is quickly approaching – what better time to reflect back and share experiences from last year’sRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Guide for Public Participation (07/2011) – The Welsh government’s ‘how to’ guide for public engagement practitioners leads officials from the beginning of the planning process through the evaluation of the activity. It also includes a template to help them plan and think through the engagement. Mobile Trends (07/2011) – A new report predictsRead… Read more »

Collaborative Management Day (from 1300 kilometres away)

On June 9, 2011, thanks to an amazing organizing team and the Canada School of Public Service, I attended Collaborative Management Day via webcast. My viewpoint for the day. This was an event by public servants for public servants. The day was packed full of guest speakers talking about different ways to collaborate and manyRead… Read more »

For Your Consideration: Facebook More “Private” Than Google+? A Closer Look Down the Rabbit Hole..

I have seen a lot of discussion on the privacy of Facebook vs. Google+ and have felt the need to really dive into this topic as it seems most are unaware of the functionality and/or actual usage of information we as end users provide to Facebook and Google. Unlike facebook, which allows access controls atRead… Read more »

The digital press office

One innovation in the way that local councils communicate is the developments of digital press offices, or newsrooms. There are two elements to these, I think. The first is having a digital savvy communications team, who get the growing importance of online new sources and the need for mixed media; as well as the increasinglyRead… Read more »

Papaloi and Gouscos on E-Parliaments and Novel Parliament-to-Citizen Services

Aspasia Papaloi and Dr. Dimitris Gouscos, both of the University of Athens Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, have published E-Parliaments and Novel Parliament-to-Citizen services, JeDEM: Journal of eDemocracy and Open Government, 3(1), 80-98 (2011). Here is the abstract: In an era of citizens’ discontentment on democratic institutions, parliaments as a democratic cornerstone, are constantlyRead… Read more »