
Celebrate Freedom (of Information Act)

This 4th of July, we at urge you to make room for one more hot dog or slice of apple pie in honor of the 45th anniversary of the signing of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). FOIA is an essential tool for helping the public keep informed about what the government is doing,Read… Read more »

Why Google+ will Kill Facebook

Google+ is to Facebook for privacy as Facebook is to SharePoint for utilty. For Utility: Facebook (and social media writ large) begins with the conversation as metaphor. Sharepoint begins (and ends) with the document as the metaphor. It was built with the belief that business users collaborate around producing documents. Social media presumes people haveRead… Read more »

Open Government Isn’t Something One Person Can Own – It Belongs To All of Us

Originally posted on the Phase One Consulting Group’s Government Transformation Blog. As the firestorm over the future of Open Government raged across Twitter and blogs early last week following Vivek Kundra’s departure announcement, there were federal employees quietly scheduling meetings, chatting in the hallways or just simply asking questions about how Open Government can helpRead… Read more »

Was Abe Lincoln Honest?

GEICO is a proud partner of GovLoop. ——————————————————— Hello GovLoopers! It’s Friday, and not just any ordinary Friday. Today is the beginning of one of my favorite holidays of the year. This weekend we celebrate our great nation and all who made our freedom and liberty possible. In keeping with this season of patriotism andRead… Read more »

Sanity check

So. Twitter. I posted a bit ago about how Tweetdeck had folded into a pile of uselessness. Well, now I’m discovering the irritation of outbound tweets disappearing. I tweeted a physio about getting some treatment for my back and ankles. Both are down to my being overweight and trying to do something about it (don’tRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Innovation in Canada (05/19/2011) – A new report from Deloitte reveals the challenges facing Canada’s public service and the measures being taken to innovate. Recommendations for improvement include embracing public service innovation as a core part of strategy, sharing best practices and investing in transformational leaders. Guide for Local Governments (06/17/2011) – eRepublic’sRead… Read more »

Can you identify the “Mystery Image” from this government website?

In honor of and in conjunction with Social Media Day, Rock Creek Strategic Marketing is hosting a friendly social competition on the Rock Creek blog. Throughout the day, we’ll be posting zoomed in “Mystery Images” from government websites and social media outlets, highlighting some of the interesting and innovative ways government agencies are using theRead… Read more »

Hot-and-bothered riders can tweet their A/C woes

When Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority customers lose their cool, they start tweeting. Passengers have begun to tweet information about cars with broken air-conditioning to the MBTA’s Twitter account (@mbtaGM) to get quick results. The tweets are forwarded to workers who can find the car and pull it out of service, if necessary. And Twitter getsRead… Read more »