
Teleseminars, Stage Fright and More

Webinars are often used in the business training environment, but it is a newer version of that webinar idea with a host that is taking over when it comes to online/teleconferencing training: the teleseminar, which can be used to provide information, training, or promote or sell products to group of people interested in a particularRead… Read more »

Legal Information / Communication Issues in the FCC Media Report, “Information Needs of Communities”

A number of legal information and legal communication issues are discussed in the U.S. Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC’s) recent report on the state of U.S. media, entitled Information Needs of Communities: The Changing Media Landscape in a Broadband Age (2011). The report’s findings cover the following legal information / communication issues: In recent years, whileRead… Read more »

Using LinkedIN in Local Government

Watch the Video Interview Angela Stubbs, Economic Development Officer at the City of Kingston.recently did an interview and a guest post on how they have been using LinkedIn. Angela has championed the use of LinkedIn at the City of Kingston and in this post she provides some insights into her experiences with LinkedIn as aRead… Read more »

Data Wizards Know Hadoop is Powerful: But they want more automation

Hadoop and the many capabilities associated with it (including Hive, Pig, HBase, Zookeeper, Flume, Sqoop, Hue, Oozie and Whirr) is really the rage. Enterprises with big data challenges, researchers with massive data sets and organizations seeking to make sense over seemingly unbounded data are learning how to use those many related technologies to solve problemsRead… Read more »

Assigning Credit

We’re in a startup, which is frequently taking us where no man has gone before. So I asked Jack, “How would you value Zack’s contribution?” Jack said, “Well, it’s different.” I said, “Actually, it’s exactly one third, as there are three of us working.” We are all doing very different tasks to get this beastRead… Read more »

Google tries social again

Google announced Google+ yesterday, their latest attempt at getting success in the social networking arena. Techcrunch have a good write up of the details, but for the best coverage, it’s hard to top Steven Levy’s piece in Wired (indeed, Levy’s book on Google is also excellent reading). Of course, Google have got this wrong before.Read… Read more »

Thanks to GovLoop’s Partners

Happy Summer everyone! As you know on GovLoop, you are not subjected to blinking banner ads and annoying pop-ups. I think the future of advertising is that it has to be beneficial to the community. Thus, here on GovLoop, you’ll see us work with our awesome partners to put on educational online trainings, special areasRead… Read more »

Using social media for non-traditional forms of scholarship

During the last year I was a frequent guest speaker at different University-wide lecture series to talk about my research findings but also my personal use of social media applications as a scholar. I reported about the diverse social media applications I have tested (and abandoned) in the classroom, but also provided insights into howRead… Read more »