
Crowd sourcing ideas with WordPress

For a customer, we at Kind of Digital have been putting together a prototype system using WordPress to crowdsource ideas from the public. We’ve done plenty of reading about previous attempts at this sort of thing, and hopefully have avoided a few of the traps that other projects of this type have fallen into. OurRead… Read more »

Part 1:Generational Diversity in Government – What’s Your Generation Thinking?

We’ve all been hearing a lot lately about generations and the generational divide, the generational gap, multi generational conflict in the workplace – some see it as a huge issue, some see it as a small issue, and some don’t see it as an issue at all – yet it is an issue. If theRead… Read more »

Generation Y and Digital Participation: RIGP 2011

[Summary: Notes for a presentation on ‘Generation-Y’ and public services hosted by Institut de la Gestion Publique (Institute for Public Management), delivered on 27th June 2011, Paris] Below is a copy of the draft I wrote for a round-table discussion starter at today’s ‘Generation-Y and public services’ conference hosted at the Institut de la GestionRead… Read more »

Top 10 Federal Government Feeds on Twitter

Top 10 Twitter Feeds is a new, regular series on the CEIL Blog dedicated to helping you discover the best — and most informative — Twitter feeds available. This week we’re focusing on the Top 10 Federal Government feeds. There are plenty of fantastic feeds out there, but not all of them put a highRead… Read more »

Does Customer Service Matter for Government? 5 Examples for Change

The Customer Service series is supported by RightNow Technologies. To learn more on how to use cloud technology to improve customer service, visit the RightNow resource center today. Check out the GovLoop/RightNow Customer Service Hub to get smart on how to be awesome at customer service —————————This is post 1 of the new “Customer Service”Read… Read more »

Gen “Y Not?” – Building the Next Generation of Government

If you’re interested in this topic, please consider attending our Next Generation of Government Summit on July 28-29 in Washington, DC, where emerging leaders and thinkers will convene to chart the future course of government. ***************************************************************************************************************************************** In another post, I captured the proceedings of an International Symposium which is discussing “Generation Y and Public Management:Read… Read more »

Dartmouth’s Big Green Bus makes the rounds

Thirteen Dartmouth College (NH) students and recent graduates are touring the country on an old Greyhound bus converted to run on waste vegetable oil. The Big Green Bus is scheduled to visit 31 states in 11 weeks, spreading the messages of sustainability and environmentalism. “Our focus is two-fold: to discover the environmental success stories ofRead… Read more »