
Soldier Ride, Not Your Average Bike Race

Imagine you’re on a nice long bike ride. At the finish line you are greeted by friends, supports, and the GEICO Gecko? GEICO is the national sponsor for the 2011 Soldier Ride National Tour, a cause which benefits the Wounded Warrior Project WWP is a nonprofit organization founded by a group of veterans and friendsRead… Read more »

A few news stories worth noting

So, I feel like during the past few days there have been quite a few interesting news stories (related to social media) worth sharing. I’d love to hear your thoughts on them! Social Authority Scores for Job Seekers — Hmm…interesting way to establish professional credibility in online, social space. Roger Ebert’s Tweet: Bad Tweet, orRead… Read more »

Shared learning

Quick background: @sturgey is our Deputy Head of Comms (but with lots of corporate/internal comms added in there too) – she’s admittedly old school but very enthusiastic about new school comms and a really big support in our push in that direction. So I sat down with Andrea about something else entirely but we gotRead… Read more »

Top 9 Things I Learned in Berlin

So I’m in Berlin this week talking to folks in Germany about social networks and collaborations. In the course of conversations and beers, I learned a ton about how public service works over here in Germany. Here’s 9 things I found interesting: 1) 41 hours per week – Professional civil servants work 41 hours perRead… Read more »

Recap Vancouver: Police, Citizens, Social Media, Privacy, and Safety

This post was co-written by GovLoop’s own Joseph Porcelli and Lauri Stevens. You’ve likely seen the pictures and videos from Vancouver: the looting, the beatings, the couple kissing. And how can we forget the videos of the few courageous citizens who, in the midst of the violence and chaos, stood up for their community? AfterRead… Read more »

Free June 27 PACE Webinar: ‘Using Online Tools to Engage-and be Engaged by-the Public’

Sponsored by PACE-Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement “Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: Please join us for this PACE webinar featuring our friend and colleague Matt Leighninger of the Deliberative Democracy Consortium. How can online tools help you engage citizens in public decision-making and problem-solving? What are the most common mistakesRead… Read more »

The Preston Social Media Toolkit

A bit of a flurry on Twitter about Preston City Council’s ‘Social Media Toolkit‘ which describes itself as a complete guide to joining the social media revolution It costs £199 (plus VAT). I wish them luck. I do this stuff for living and it’s very, very hard to make money from content. Apparently newspapers andRead… Read more »